>I Need to Get This Off My Chest.

  1. Vanessa says:

    >Alright, already! I voted. For you. And your C-cups. Hope you win and it makes up for being beaten by Jody – who’s probably a grocery store clerk now.

  2. MommaK says:

    >These contests make us all a little crazy (as you darn well know) and I don’t blame you one little bit for getting caught up in it. If I were in your shoes, or bra, I’d be doing the same thing 😉

  3. nerqua says:

    >If I ever come across another Jody Cornette, or even just a reincarnate (there’s a lot of ’em), I’ll kick her in the boobs just for you.And then I’ll vote.

  4. Nut's mom says:


  5. DasBecca says:

    >::cracks up:: Oh my gosh. Best entry ever. I love your site– sincerely do, and have been reading since you were nominated. If it helps, I’m definitely nowhere near a D. Back in the nursing days, maybe, but now I’m just a full B with some very flattering bras. 🙂 So you’ve gotten the breast of me there. Hee.

  6. Shane says:

    >is the girl with the tatas, lisp an short skirt running? Michele sent me 😉

  7. Star says:

    >Have you checked to see if Judy Corntte has a blog? Good luck. Michele sent me.

  8. >That was an absolutely hilarious post!! lmao! As a size 36-B I certainly sympathize with you 🙁 I think they should start using bigger stomachs as a sex symbol, then those of us with kids and flabby tummies to show for it might get ahead in life too :DAnyhow, I voted for you, and I also want to say you have a kickass template 🙂 Michele sent me today!

  9. lisa says:

    >Thanks for visiting Lam(b) today. And of course I am going to go vote for you RIGHT now.

  10. kenju says:

    >That’s a pretty good argument for padded bras (at least in the 8th grade)….LOL. I never ran for office – I just made all the campaign posters for the ones who did. Naturally, the best posters were for my candidate! Michele sent me today and I already voted!

  11. >aaaaaaaahhhh thanks for stopping…So nice of you to say..m

  12. Lisa says:

    >Ha! I had a 7th grade flashback in my post today. But, I was never cool enough to even consider running for any position of authority in school. I checked out Big Yellow House and I saw nothing of any torturing of Professor Owls, hiding italian food lovers, or Hoo Ha’s. I don’t see what the Big Yellow Deal is. 😉 I’m off to vote again!!

  13. Pink Pen says:

    >Man, I had double-Ds in junior high and no one voted me for anything. Wish I’d gone to your school *grin* I woulda given Jody a run for her money…

  14. >Hey! Here via Michelle. Best of luck on the BOBS…that story is too cute!

  15. >Ok – I voted.. I hope it helps! You certainly don’t need big whohas to get my vote!! LadyBug

  16. YellowRose says:

    >Here via Michele’s….Good Luck on the award!!! That story was really cute!! It’s always the boobs, isn’t it? lol

  17. wordgirl says:

    >Hey…I voted for ya! Whatever happened to Jody?

  18. Kevin says:

    >Guys are boobs. That’s why we, um, I mean they can’t help but vote for them.Here today from Michele’s.

  19. kenju says:

    >Back again, via Michele. Isn’t it FAST over there today?

  20. craziequeen says:

    >Hi Lucinda – just had to pop over and say hello to my new visitor! Thank you for leaving such a nice comment.Good luck in the Awards! :-)cq

  21. honestyrain says:

    >a finalist! how cool are you? so cool. congrats :)here via michele 🙂

  22. Romanduck says:

    >I am sorry to hear about your nightmares of boob-past, but I am sure you will rise to the occassion this time! 🙂

  23. Gooberman says:

    >Very funny posting… I just read an article about a vampire running for governor of Minnosota… I thought of you when I read it… http://news.yahoo.com/s/nm/20060113/od_nm/vampire_dc Anyways, I just wanted to say good luck in the elections and that I have been hired to the the dirty work of Michele to tell you “Hello!”

  24. Lisa says:

    >Here from Michele’s! Great blog. Good luck in the competition!

  25. WendyWings says:

    >ROTFL NO I wasn’t talking about you at all. Although you put a picture of Paris on your blog and just lost points for that !Here from Micheles but sometimes I just come even without her telling me to. Good luck

  26. WendyWings says:

    >I had to come post again and say. I just read your 100 things ( I never even noticed it before today) and I think I love you.Uh did that sound too Brokeback Mountain ?Wait you knew what I meant right ?

  27. >I know my nursing rack could kick the trash of any of the other finalists…. I try not to eh-hem mention it too often. However, you passed me up like a dead piece of cheese on the side of the road some time yesterday.So, I don’t think breasts are gonna do it this year. I may have to actually post a picture of me with that mullet….Yeah, then I’ll be a thoe-in to win. I mean SHOE-IN.But you have to be honest, the lisp did freak you out a bit, huh, huh?

  28. Janet says:

    >Ahh contests brings out the “breasts” in all of us doesn’t it?Congrats on your nomination!

  29. yellojkt says:

    >First the hoo-ha, now the boobies. You are really pulling out all the stops. I know that these posts are just campaign speeches and after you win it’s right back to car pool stories and that’s the last we hear about your lady parts. And talking about sweater kittens, seein’s believin’. If you really want to win, let the puppies breathe. Just sayin’.

  30. buffi says:

    >Okay, this explains so much. Me and my training bra will never even be nominated for anything. Ever. *sigh*Off to vote again.

  31. christina says:

    >I totally heart you, Lucinda. I’d vote for you a zillion times if I could. (They’re not letting me, btw)

  32. amanda says:

    >Hello Lucinda,Here via Michele’s tonight, although I already read your blog. You crack me up, and yes, I’ve already voted for you in the BOBs…

  33. chronicler says:

    >Hi from Michele’s! Page woudln’t load all the way! Stupid half witted dsl! I’ll be back to take a look around later! I do like the black!

  34. >Finally got on here with everything showing,through the comment on my blog! (Thank You Very Much)…I really like your blog a lot and loveyour approach to this Awards stuff!Michele did send me, but that was a while ago!!! (lol) Better late than never I say!

  35. Chrixean says:

    >You lost to her! What a boob job! I enjoyed reading about the hoo-haa, but now I’m equally enjoying reading about the boobies. hehe. Congratulations in advance for this sure fire win this time around 🙂

  36. Kellie says:

    >You and your C cups are so taking home to gold this time!

  37. Chilihead2 says:

    >Oh, they’re all funny…but they’re no LUCINDA! I was hooked as soon as I saw your banner. CLASSIC.

  38. >i hope you’re wearing your best push up bra for your campaign, it should give you a little leverage;)

  39. >OK OK! I voted again! I’ll have to keep it up or you’ll come beat me over the head with a crimper!

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