>I’m baaaaaaaack…

  1. Mega Mom says:

    >You didn’t have the camera handy for the fall from the lift? :))

  2. Karen Rani says:

    >Yay! Welcome home!

  3. Jennifer says:

    >yay! i missed you!although i enjoyed your guest posters while you were gone.

  4. Angie says:

    >Welcome home!

  5. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Welcome back. Your blogging friends kept the blog cookin’ while you were gone, good guest posters, by the way. Glad you’re back!

  6. >Welcome back! I LOVE Durango! That’s where my wife and I spent our honeymoon. Glad you had fun. We’ll have to compare notes someday.

  7. Mom101 says:

    >Welcome home! We all tried to take good care of the place while you were gone. Sorry about the ficus though.

  8. Erin says:

    >I’m glad you guys made it safely there and back. And that you had a good time.Can’t wait to hear about your adventures. By the way, I loved your guest-posters. They were excellent choices!

  9. Plumkrazzee says:

    >Durango, Colorado? Spent alot of time there, my hubby’s company has an office there. Glad you and your memories survived..welcome back!

  10. Busy Mom says:

    >She’s back!Number of sunburned legs I have: 2I’m just sayin’…

  11. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Ooh…nothing like coming home to a cold house! We left the heat totally off during a four-day vacation, returned in the middle of the night, and couldn’t get to sleep until the house had heated up a bit. I hope you got some sleep!And hey, we have an old family friend who lives in Durango — pretty place! Welcome back…

  12. >Glad you had fun! Like Mega Mom, I wish you had a picture of the spectacular fall. It sounds hilarious.

  13. Theresa says:

    >Glad you are back, and I can’t wait to read all about it!

  14. cmhl says:

    >yayyyyyyyy! welcome back!

  15. Sarcomical says:

    >omg, i’ve never been skiing, and your story doesn’t make me want to run out and do it! but i am a wuss. 😉

  16. MommaK says:

    >Welcome home sweetie!! I’ve missed you:) xoxo

  17. Lisa says:

    >Woohoo! So glad you are back…and your broken part count is 0.Can’t wait to hear how Baby did without you and all the fun stories.

  18. >Welcome back….glad you made it through the scary flight. I am not a good flyer!!! And the sentiment that comes to mind looking at you photos from today…Brrrrrrrrrrrrr! 🙂

  19. Denial says:

    >That’s why I love CA weather. LOL at your post, Cute.

  20. J's Mommy says:

    >welcome home!!

  21. >welcome back, sounds like quite the trip.

  22. mommyof4 says:

    >Welcome home!I have never flown before and you just reminded me why I don’t want to either.

  23. >This is my first visit to your site. I must confess that I have deep respect for a mom who uploads pix and blogs at one a.m. having just returned from a vacation. I’ll definitely be stopping by again soon.Welcome home.

  24. Miss Misery says:

    >I’m glad your back and I’m glad that you had fun 🙂

  25. Webmiztris says:

    >hey, welcome back!

  26. >Will you go again?? That’s the real story!

  27. Lisa says:

    >Welcome back! 🙂

  28. Kris says:

    >I fall off the lift too, but I also fall while skiing. I can get myself up though! Hey, I need something to be proud of.Can’t wait to hear more… Glad you didn’t get hurt. You didn’t get hurt, right?

  29. ~d says:

    >you flipped a snowmobile??? all by yourself???WELCOME HOME!

  30. Kristen says:

    >Sounds like all was great. Can’t wait to hear more stories!

  31. Jamie says:

    >No broken bones, right? We’re all waiting for tales from snow bunny Lucinda. And the guest bloggers did great blogsitting…cool idea!

  32. Mooselet says:

    >Glad to have you back!! I’ve been skiing once, and I HATED it. Snowmobiling I love, and I’m impressed you flipped it. Can’t wait to read all about your vacation. Go and keep warm!

  33. >Megamom- I brought my digital camera, only to find that it is still on 10-second delay and my husband couldn’t figure out how to turn it off! So I took all of three pictures. Luckily we got a bunch with an instant camera, but you won’t be seeing those any time soon!Harmonica Man- Somehow I can totally see you honeymooning in Durango! I hope you visited Trimble Springs… Busy Mom- Better sunburned legs than a windburned face. I now know there’s a reason the women don’t hold up so well out there.B.E.C.K.- I didn’t go to sleep until two in the morning. Ugh.Lisa- Baby did great. She was totally spoiled and I am now dealing with a toddler who’s become accustomed to getting everything she wants at the exact moment that she wants it. That’s going over reallll well.debbiedoeslife- I would go again next week if I could. For the skiing alone. I LOVED skiing.D- I flipped a snowmobile on a hill and had to lie there until the guide got it off me. I thought he’d be mad, but he was all, “Dude, we always say if you don’t flip yer snowmobile at least once, yer not tryin’ enough cool stuff. Awesome!”And to my talented and charming guest posters, thanks again and a big mwah to all of you!

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