In Praise of the Stroller

  1. buffi says:

    >Lucinda, you have hit on one of my all time pet peeves! What is it with people and their stoller prejudice?? Would these shopkeepers rather I let my toddler run wild thru their store? (I know, the answer is that they would rather I leave him at home, but that is not an option sometimes!) Especially in children’s stores, it makes no sense!But I do love my stroller. A couple of times I have taken it into the mall for a big shopping expedition even when I had no children with me. It’s just that handy. I will be the lady with teenagers who still has a stroller in her trunk. Just in case

  2. Theresa says:

    >I loved my stroller, until I got the double stroller for the twins. It was like pushing a freighter through the store. And I could never quite grab the door handle from 6 feet away.But I respect all strollers, even the ones holding big 4 years olds. A mom has got to do what a mom has got to do!

  3. Ditsy Chick says:

    >I agree with the no space problem, but I hate strollers. We did not even use them for children 2 and 3 (probably because we had given up due to the issues you listed with having strollers). When we really need something we have a baby jogger. I don’t recommend taking the joggers anywhere inside, ever.

  4. MommaK says:

    >Amen!!! I no longer need one but I used to freaking hate it when I could not get around properly because of rude people or narrow isles. I have used mine as a weapon as well and would again if I needed to. Stroller power!

  5. Angie says:

    >You just reminded me we have to buy a stroller. How could I forget that?

  6. Crazy MomCat says:

    >I cheered for you as I read your incidents of running over toes. Stroller POWER!Choosing the right stroller is hard too. I recently ditched the mammouth 4-in-1 stroller and gave up on the cheapie umbrella style and went for a mid-range. Life has been SWEET ever since! I couldn’t live without mine, I just hope Miss Kitty doesn’t go on strike. She’s become quite the don’t-help-me-I’ll-do-it-myself type of kid. UGH.

  7. >So true…I like strollers ‘cuz in a pinch it keeps the kids contained without worry. The downside, after getting a double umbrella stroller, I dread doorways. Sure you can just make it through, but it’s a workout, involving enough speed and flexibility to make even Jane Fonda proud.

  8. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Stroller: the best-ever kid-control device, along with the shopping cart. I have two strollers; one is a deluxe (with shock absorbers!) and the other is an umbrella model. The latter is great for maneuvering through narrow aisles, and also worked well when my then-shorter son wanted to push the stroller himself; he could see over it, and thus avoid running up on people’s heels. But running over toes…I’ve never had the pleasure, and I do believe I’m envious. ;^)

  9. yellojkt says:

    >I do not miss strollers. They always took up half the trunk, so you didn’t have room for whatever you bought shopping.

  10. kenju says:

    >Strollers don’t bother me. I’d much prefer a kid in a stroller to one that is left alone to run or crawl the store aisles!I almost got smashed by a woman wielding a shopping cart the day before Thanksgiving, however. The grocery was packed, of course, and this one wasn’t letting anything or anyone stand in her way to the eggs. She nearly took my bum off, and I said (not so quietly) as she pushed her way by me…”I would be glad to get out of your way if you’d only ask”. She “harumphed” her way down the aisle and didn’t even look back at me.

  11. vicki says:

    >What goes around comes around. Down at the Walmart’s near our St. Petersburg home old people (older than me) drive those damnable electric carts around the store, ram into your heels or kneecap you and as you squeal and tumble to the floor they ask, “Dearie, do you work here?” Yeesh!When I was your age, darling, I had a 15.00 umbrella stroller and I LOVED it. Canvas sling on plastic PVC- we took it on planes, to stores, around the block…it was the Chevy Neon of strollers! Later, with my second we graduated to the premium stroller du jour and I loved that, too but it wasn’t nearly as convenient.

  12. Vanessa says:

    >Okay, now I want a stroller. Maybe I’ll dress up my dog and stick her in one and go to the mall. LOVE what you did to that little hoodlum. You rock.

  13. cmhl says:

    >hey, you forgot too, when your toddler is happily walking, you can put all sorts of stuff in it so you don’t have to carry everything!! score!!!

  14. Minerva says:

    >And it is a great way to meet men too.. You just stand at the top of a flight of steps and look helpless.. They come flocking to help you down them..but I guess the baby is a bit of a passion killer…Oh well..Minerva

  15. MistressMary says:

    >And why is it that when a woman with a stroller is struggling to manage a set of double doors that opens the wrong way, it is almost always another woman who leaps up to help her? ‘Cuz we’ve been there, sister!

  16. >Dude, screw the stroller. I’m totally getting leashes for my kids. (And, if I can find one, for my husband, too.) Watch those hooligans get out of my way when I’m walking my whole damn family like a litter of poodles.

  17. >Stoller mommas of the world unite! I used mine a time or two in similar manners. Kind of hard to push a 7 year old in a stroller though. 🙁 Now she just runs everywhere. Knocking people out of the way as I dash after her with an apologetic look on my face.

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