>Lucinda’s Advice Column- December 2005

  1. Clio says:

    >Thanks, I was in need of a laugh.

  2. buffi says:

    >You are a genius!! When will they syndicate your newspaper column? Maybe you can even be Oprah’s new best friend. If you are, can I meet her & get one of her goody bags? I could really use the pick-me-up.

  3. Wireman says:

    >Just wondering how you know which search words bring people to your site?

  4. Erin says:

    >Oh God you are killing me! You are too great!!

  5. >Oh yeah. I should answer the “How do you know this stuff?” question, because I once wondered the very same thing not so long ago.I use http://www.sitemeter.com and it shows the referring site for this website (which might be the page that came up in a Google or Yahoo search), as well as the general location of each reader. Get it for your blog. It’s free. It’ll give you lots of laughs and will probably creep you out as well (What’s with all the weird sex searches coming out of the Middle East?).

  6. Raehan says:

    >I laughed out loud several times.Did I miss some posts about your step-daughters wearing diapers, and your brown fluid (uh-hum) issue. If I did, no need to forward those on.LOL

  7. kenju says:

    >I have some pretty weird search results too, and I cannot imagine what these people are really looking for! Merry Christmas!

  8. cmhl says:

    >stretchy brown cervical mucus? so that is a problem?eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

  9. Kristine says:

    >I can’t wait til you show the pic of the adult in a diaper! 😉

  10. Busy Mom says:

    >People are very, very strange.

  11. >That was so awesome!!! You are the queen of funny 🙂

  12. Vanessa says:

    >Definitely some weirdos out there, but YOU are just the woman to put them in their place. You really should start your own advice column and call it “Smart-ass Advice for Dumb-ass questions” – Merry Christmas!!

  13. Vanessa says:

    >Oh, the hyphens were intentional, not grammatically correct, I know. (and paranoid about this kind of crap)

  14. Kelly says:

    >LOL!Love it.Please please keep it up!

  15. mamaloo says:

    >Search string referrer stats rock! But people are deeply weird.Merry HoHo!

  16. Karen Rani says:

    >Holy crapballs that was funny…….so was the fartsucker who googled “my husband thinks my vagina is too big” and got my blog. Ha ha. Me thinks her husband has a small penis…Have a very merry christmas!

  17. noell says:

    >Lucinda, you got my attention on the mommybloggers Smackdown. First, it was your Ricky Schroader answer, which I commented on, but, like a dork, left it in the wrong post.Then I saw your answer about the milk, and had to check out your blog, which is my new favorite. I haven’t gone back to read the rest of the smackdown answers, because your blog is just too good!Thanks for the great writing, the sense of humor, and the entertainment!

  18. irene says:

    >Merry Christmas from momsterland!

  19. yellojkt says:

    >Everytime you answer these questions, your googlerank just goes up the next time. You have cornered the beagle poo diaper humilation demographic.Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

  20. >Oh. My. Gawd. People really are sick aren’t they? Holy cow. You really got some doozies there. Cervical mucus? Ewww!

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