>Santa, Baby.

  1. Minerva says:

    >Gorgeous…just gorgeous…And the only thing that is WORSE than this happening with one child is it happening with two…One of my twins threw up and the other one refused to even get near him…*grin*Oh, happy times…Minerva

  2. Busy Mom says:

    >She’s a doll, though!

  3. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Isn’t BABY CUTE! And you’ve got her hair in pigtails already! My daughter’s is too fine and a little too short for that yet.Well, look at it this way. You at least GOT a picture. I have one of my big backside bending over trying to get my little one to even come near to Mr. Kringle. She curled up in a little ball, like a turtle going into its shell and it was all over from there.I admire your prep-work though. I didn’t do near that much ahead. Next year, I’ll start in October and use your method. Maybe I’ll at least get a picture.LOL!

  4. kenju says:

    >She’s gorgeous! My girls did the same thing the first time they went to see Santa.

  5. Hope says:

    >That is NOT a bad picture, some of the ones that have been online would make you see that photo is adorable. Very realistic Santa and OMG she is a living doll. (plus, now you have a terrific story to tell her when she is older)

  6. Vanessa says:

    >She is so cute! I love the dress and her hair is beautiful. You know she’ll laugh about this in a few years.

  7. calswec says:

    >not to be evil or anything but have you ever noticed that Santa dresses in red and if you re-arrange his name it spells out Satan? do babies every where know something adults don’t? LOL…cute photo. happy solstice

  8. Raehan says:

    >She’s so pretty! My girls won’t go near Santa, so you are doing better than me. Rachel likes the idea of Santa leavnign presents but not coming in the house. I have to tell her that Snta’s reindeer bring the presents in becuse Santa knows and understands that she doesn’t wnt him in the house.

  9. >I love that about Rachel, Raehan. You should write about her not wanting Santa to come inside. It’s very funny.Siobhan, I confuse Santa for Satan all the time. In writing, of course.Thank you all for your words of consolation regarding my sad little baby. It’s cruelty really, forcing her to sit in a strange man’s lap for a picture, but hell. I couldn’t resist.

  10. liz says:

    >Next year will be better, because you can show her this year’s picture during the year and remind her how nice he was.And I think this photo is beautiful. She is so lovely!

  11. A says:

    >Why is Santa in a Lay-Z-Boy? ;P

  12. Ruby says:

    >What a dress! At least you didn’t have a red faced snot nose to go with the red bows. Merry Christmas!

  13. Theresa says:

    >Awww! It’s not that bad! What a cutie!

  14. mrsmogul says:

    >That’s adorable!! SHe doesn;t look like she’s screaming though..it’s more like she’s saying, get me out of here !

  15. >You’ve never heard of a Santa in a La-Z Boy? That’s part of the charm of suburban Santa photos!At least she was comfortable…

  16. Wireman says:

    >A delightful shot and it looks like you have a “real hair” Santa!!I’d glue a miniturized version of your story text to the back of every copy you mail to any relative or frame and hang in your home.

  17. Anonymous says:

    >Oh, but it’s bad in a really really cute way!

  18. Kristine says:

    >Busy Mom said she’s a doll and that’s what I was thinking. You’ve got a real live baby doll! 🙂

  19. >With a face as sweet as that, she could give Santa the finger and he’d still fill her stocking to the bursting point.Wait a minute………her right hand is sort of hidden in the folds of her skirt…….

  20. Masked Mom says:

    >She only looks a little like she’s about to be tortured…

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