>Moral: Don’t Lie to Your Mother

  1. >I used to have my old Live Journal adress as a signature on my email. I would delete it when I emailed my mom, and all was well.Until I forgot one day.So my mom got to read all my cursing, talking about drunken debauchery, waking up topless next to a friend, etc.It was great.

  2. Lahdeedah says:

    >Well.I can relate. I have to wait that long for my In-Step mall cruiser double jogging stroller with swivel wheel for pretend-joggers. Now, at least EVERYONE wants a dyson. Who but me would go nuts over a SPECIFIC stroller because the In-Step safarii TT double stroller doesn’t come in black/red?p.s. um, so I clicked on that planet mom link and was compelled to buy two shirts that summed up my life. I don’t mind the two shirts part so much as my life can be summed up in two general statements. And yes, I used your blog name to get 20 percent off.

  3. >Awesome. I need to put that discount in the post.

  4. adria says:

    >That is karma for you! Why will it take so long to arrive???Darn Target!

  5. jag says:

    >Mom karma is the worst. And infallible, too.

  6. Gertie says:

    >AHHHHH I HATE TARGET.COM for that VERY REASON. I bet you don’t even get it then. I bet you get it around December or so.

  7. vincenzo says:

    >Oh- your mother will HATE that last line there… if ‘crap’ is a problem, ‘fuck’ is probably bad too!

  8. mamatulip says:

    >Karma…such a bitch.

  9. dennis says:

    >Struck by Karma lightening! LOLand it happens every time!

  10. Kristin says:

    >I am willing to wait the week… I want a pink Dyson too!You are totally going to “spill coffee” on a couple of posts, right?!

  11. Karen Rani says:

    >Maybe you should leave that ONE out. In case. Karma is a bitch, sure, but Mama-Karma? IN the words of Scooby Doo: Rut Roh.P.S. Your word verification right now is “Ratkill”Interesting, no?

  12. >I bought two pillows on Target.com. I had one within two weeks. The other never came. Until I got an email that the order was cancelled. That evidently happens automatically after 6 weeks. So I ordered again, this time On Sale! I just got the shipping notice! Relief!

  13. Jennifer says:

    >Aren’t you going to prepare her? Are you omitting the comments from that nasty woman what-was-her-name?Maybe she will surprise you and love it.

  14. ieatcrayonz says:

    >That sucks…or maybe it doesn’t because there is no Dyson yet.Here’s to hoping for sucking real soon!

  15. Andrea says:

    >Personally, I think Karma is being a bit harsh here. Withholding a Dyson is WAY more punishment than necessary for a lie to your mother that was only told to spare your mother the shock of learning about your forwards column about her. But take heart. Many times, those shipping estimates are extremely conservative. I’ve had Amazon tell me stuff won’t be shipped for three weeks and it’s on my doorstep in a week. Maybe such will be the case with the Dyson. *shaking my fist at Karma for you*

  16. MrsWndr says:

    >I love that vacuum…to bad I don’t have the 400 for it. I have a new goal in life,to have a pink vacuum..woohoo. =)

  17. Stacy says:

    >Maybe your mom will surprise you. Maybe she’ll love your writing- crap and all. My very conservative mother read my book, Frankly Pregnant, and was more proud of my writing and accomplishment than anything. She said she loved the book- nipple cheese, cauliflower butt, cheeseburger crotch and all.

  18. Jen says:

    >Hopefully you’ll get it sooner….I know a lot of the stuff I order will give me a projected delivery date and it shows up at least 1-2 weeks prior to that….I want a Dyson too….ya think since it’s free shipping you could just order me one? πŸ˜‰

  19. momslo says:

    >It’s my impression that your mom though she doesn’t “get you”, she sure does love you-and will be proud-on her terms! I love her.I can’t wait to hear her reactions, so I hope you’ll being sharing.

  20. >My Mom doesn’t know I have a blog. And that’s the way it’s going to stay, thanks.I have enough issues with parents that I don’t need more of them! Ack!

  21. Kristi says:

    >My advice: grab some old Erma Bombeck articles and superglue them to your Nashville Scene. And then wait for your mom to say, “Oh my heavens! I never knew you were writing about all of the day-to-day problems I have all the time! You’re so effing BRILLIANT!”This is exactly what will happen. I swear.

  22. shpprgrl says:

    >My condolences. πŸ™

  23. Amanda says:

    >Don’t worry when you get your Dyson just think how much fun you are going to have cleaning the house.I love my Dyson. It is so easy to use.

  24. >hmmmmmm would love to be a fly on the wall if mom’s planning on coming over for thanksgiving……

  25. Mrs. Flinger says:

    >Well, the way I see it, you’re only lie like she lied to you. I mean Santa? Your teeth will fall out of your face if you don’t brush them? That burnt toast will put hair on your chest? You see where I’m going with this.Those little white lies are a mom’s RIGHT, babe. And you’re a mom now. πŸ™‚

  26. Belinda says:

    >My Mom reads my blog (now both of them) EVERY day. And she bought my Dyson FOR me! Hee.According to Consumer Reports, Dyson is NOT the superior vacuum out there. The Hoover Windtunnel is. As the previous owner of TWO Hoover Windtunnels, and the current owner of the most basic Dyson model, I say, for the first time ever, BALONEY to Consumer Reports.And my sister got the same model Dyson, and conducted this “highly scientific” test. Before she ever used the Dyson, she vacuumed her whole house, thoroughly, with the Hoover Windtunnel. The carpets looked very clean, but the stuff the Dyson picked up immediately AFTER that was amazing. And disgusting.

  27. >well i’m trying to teach my kids never to lie to me, and let me tell you, it feels terrible when you find out that they do and for no reason.

  28. >Wow! The instant karma really got you. But it’ll probably be nothing compared to your mom’s reaction when she’s had a thorough read through of your columns! Keep us posted.

  29. Jodi says:

    >Well, I know what I want now. A Dyson. And it comes in pink, what the hell is that all about? I am sure some feminisit somewhere is having a huge fit about a PINK vacuum! πŸ™‚ I think it’s cool and I want one now.

  30. MommaK says:

    >I think you’re better off. If that’s your Karma, so be it. It means that the alternative would have been way WAY worse.

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