>My Admirer

  1. Lady M says:

    >Witty and charming indeed, bravo! And welcome back!

  2. mrsmogul says:

    >Did you see Mel by chance in LA?

  3. >Welcome home!We really need to hear the FIL story – it sounds like a doozy! I wish I had been a fly on the wall for that one!!LBC

  4. >Welcome Home!Having gotten into my share of fights with my FIL, I NEED to hear the juicy deets on yours. We can compare notes.

  5. Sonia says:

    >Congratulations, Lindsay! I just found you through Naomi from “Here in the Hills” and through “Petroville” and I am glad I did! Your text and issues is very interesting and witty! Really is a pleasure reading your blog.I am a Brazilian journalist but currently I am not working in newspaper or magazine. I am currently writing fiction stories about the elderly people.I would like if you drop in my blog “Leaves of Grass” and also in “Glance-Olhar” :http://glance-olhar.blogspot.com/Have a nice day! Regards from Sonia, São Paulo, Brazil.

  6. OddMix says:

    >FIL fights really stink. I’ve had a doozy… but dancing a jig of fury?!?!? Wow, you are good.hope you get some good rest.

  7. Nut's mom says:

    >welcome back. I’m heading your way this weekend (but not all the way. sigh.)I need a dream lover too! someone to pamper my ooverworked mom ass. oh wait, I have bear (check out el blog for the reasoning behind that, you’ll freak!)

  8. >Welcome home! Your own bed is always better than anything else! I want to hear what the spat was about!

  9. >Well, I know you just got back home but I am already looking forward to next year’s visit! 🙂 You get that nap, I’m going to check out the Scene!

  10. Kellie says:

    >I always secretly worry that my in laws may stumble upon my site. And then decide to hate me! lol.

  11. >Circulation of blog URL among extended family NOT recommended.My sister-in-law reads my blog. And reports to MIL, who recently phoned my Husband to ask the following question:”Did you know that your WIFE is talking about her period on the Internet? Shouldn’t you have editorial CONTROL?”Yep. Love her.

  12. Onetallmomma says:

    >Another Home Run! I want my own Admirer. No, I want a husband who I can make a wee bit jealous with an Admirer! First things first!Welcome Home!

  13. >Ok, I have to de-lurk for this. I just caught up on your Nashville Scene columns. I had to go to your My Space page. Oh. My. God. You are the funniest woman alive. Your stepdaughters must be mortified, but they must also know you love them.Thanks for all the laughs and inspiration!

  14. Gertie says:

    >You definately should tell the FIL story, for sure.

  15. Shannon says:

    >A good fight is blog fodder and totally fairgame. Er…minus the expletives, if there were any. Tee-hee. Love the blog. Thanks for the laughs.

  16. Cmommy says:

    >Welcome Home!

  17. Stephanie T. says:

    >LOL, I loved your Scene column. I totally need an Admirer, too!”a jig of fury?” This we must hear more about. 😉

  18. Nicole says:

    >welcome back!

  19. Nicole says:

    >I’m guessing politics or religion on the jig of fury… but I’m kind of boring like that.My FIL is a psychologist. That’s really fun.

  20. >LOVED the last line of Nashville Scene this week (the story too, of course – but wow, that last line…teehee!!) Welcome home…

  21. Mr. Fabulous says:

    >Public restrooms are fun, aren’t they? If you know where to look, you can find love there sometimes…

  22. >Well, apparently, it started because I was talking while he was trying to count his cards during a game of Rummy. Yeah. Fun, huh?Anyway, on the topic I can say no more. I don’t argue and tell! ;)Plus, now that the entire family knows my web address, it probably wouldn’t be wise…

  23. Kristi says:

    >FIL STORY! FIL STORY! (I’m chanting here) FIL STORY! FIL STORY!

  24. SistaSmiff says:

    >Oh….the in laws. My father in law and his wife have a vague recollection that I exist. It comes in handy. Like last week when they got to town and I just couldn’t make it over to say hi. I don’t think they missed me. Maybe just enough to tell their friends how rude it was of me NOT go see them.

  25. Kristen says:

    >AAAA!! Resist the in-law blog reading! RESIST WITH ALL YOUR MIGHT! Before you know it you’ll be getting phone calls about what you’re writing – “what did you mean when you said such and such” or “what you said made me sad because X or Y”… AAAAAA!!!

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