>Read My Blog… Or ELSE.

  1. Jen says:

    >That’s very bizzarre!! Do you get emails like that alot?

  2. Denise says:

    >Sounds like someone is awfully desperate for some attention!

  3. >Sheesh.Thank God most of us don’t do that. I admit that I have a tracker thingy simply for fun-but that is just really bizarre.By the way, I just found your blog and I looooove it. Too funny!

  4. >I’m pretty sure she was just trying to be funny – but didn’t quite hit the mark. You gotta phrase that blackmale humor just right before people get it.

  5. Charred says:

    >Was it anybody I know?

  6. Chase says:

    >And I’ve noticed you haven’t been visiting ME very often. You’d better come back or I’m stealing your beagle.

  7. Busy Mom says:

    >I never dreamed you’d actually publish my letter…

  8. Charity says:

    >Wow! That is crazy!Who could be proud of visitors that were strong armed? That is an extremely hollow victory.We have already established that I do not write, nor do I have a blog, so please excuse me if this is a stupid question, but, what is this tracker thingy? Can you guys actually tell who visits and how many times? If this is the case, I am soooooo embarrassed that it is known that I check all throughout the day impatiently waiting for that next awesome post! ***please insert reddened embarrassed face here****Charity

  9. >You got a BULLY? Want me to fit ’em for concrete slippers? The after dark, I could take ’em for a swim! Eh?I’ll see what I can do for ya.This doesn’t really make sense, since you don’t know my family history. Sorry. I’ll explain it later, Lindsay.

  10. >I had the same problem when I switched to a Mac. I loaded Firefox and got the edit keys back.

  11. wodgirl says:

    >Hmmm. Sounds like a threat. You should send her an e-mail that says, “You’re SO not the boss of me.”

  12. >I tried loading Firefox right after I wrote this- Worked like a charm. Thanks for the advice.And no, I don’t believe any of you know this woman.

  13. poopie says:

    >holy SHIT! Somebody needs to get a life.

  14. Jamie says:

    >Like that would make you want to read a blog?! Can you say Delete, Trash? Have fun with your new MacBook! And I hope you’re feeling good pregnancy wise.

  15. >Oh my God, talking shit about all of my favorite bloggers… why didn’t I think of that as a way to endear myself to everyone????Smaaaart move. Although somebody hates everybody, so the dumb bitch might actually get hits on her site if she starts badmouthing others.

  16. Chris says:

    >So you didn’t like my email? I can track you, you know 😉

  17. abogada says:

    >Wow, that was pretty nervy!

  18. jennster says:

    >read my blog, or else. LOLwtf? call her a whore. maybe she’ll cry

  19. demondoll says:

    >That was a pretty creepy message.ew.

  20. >LOL! Sorry, I just spent a weird day at work with crazy patients. Compared to them she’s mild. I wrote about it on my blog.Can we say she’s mental? I think so!I’m beginning to think there’s more crazies out there then sane.It’s cooled down here in TN, so you can home now! It’s safe!

  21. >Luckily I’m not popular enough to get threats, though I do get the occasional person who won’t stop requesting link exchanges.

  22. Kristen says:

    >Okay, WHAT?! This is unbelievable. And really stupid, too.

  23. Tai says:

    >Uh…whatever happened to being NICE to people?!?The approach leaves much to be desired.

  24. Lady M says:

    >I’m glad that your browser/Blogger is cooperating now. Otherwise you might have to start talking smack about it. 😉

  25. Gertie says:

    >How odd. Do you think he/she is insane?

  26. Lena says:

    >I was going to comment on that stupidass email, but THEN…you said “Mac”. And I died a little inside.

  27. WendyWings says:

    >I really hope this person thought they were being funny and just missed the mark. Whackjob.

  28. >Thank you SO much for not posting my name with that letter!Just kidding–that was NOT me. LOL(oh shit, I see Busy Mom just made the same joke…oh well)

  29. Jennifer says:

    >That is one CREEPY email. I’ve gotten one weird email since I published my address, but was not as nutty as that, and there were no threats involved. I keep reading about people tracking their visitors and it creeps me out. Just the idea of my favorite bloggers knowing how many times I go to their sites to see if they have posted anything new makes me feel like a total loser. And a stalker. I wonder if she will start snarking you….then we’ll all know who it is!

  30. >I have a Mac. You have to use Firefox if you want to see editing keys. I didn’t even know there were editing keys for the first 5 months I blogged until I found Firefox… As for that person who wants you to read her blog or she’ll talk smack… she needs a smack! How absolutely rude of her.Have a good weekend!LBC

  31. doow says:

    >That Dooce will do anything for traffic ;-)Welcome to the world of Macs; you won’t be going back! (You can take that as vaguely threatening if you want 😉 )

  32. Titanium says:

    >Amazing that someone would take time to write an email like that. If she was trying to be funny, sadly she didn’t make it.

  33. Sarcomical says:

    >umm…i’m at a loss here. that was just plain sad.funny how she could write you that letter, address it to you (among other people, omg how efficient) and include a link but then doesn’t have the balls to explain herself in the comments. come on, show yourself! ;)aww…she probably thought it would be funny. and also, it sounds like she thinks people really like her blog. because she says “like” approximately 5 frillion times.

  34. >Hmmmm…’Threat Marketing’. Interesting concept…

  35. Kathy T. says:

    >I think she was complimenting you and asking for help, but it just came out wrong. Bless her heart.

  36. kittenpie says:

    >Now that is just rude. She should try writing a Perfect Post! (that upped my traffic a BUNCH this week – thanks!)

  37. Kelly says:

    >You know..I write my blog purely for personal entertainment purposes. If other people happen to read it and like it? Even better. How weird to email people with things like that and then expect you to want to read it.

  38. yellojkt says:

    >Makeing veiled threats to people doesn’t seem like a very effective way to build readership. If it was I would resort to it.

  39. >”I’m a fan of yours, in some capacity or another”HA– awesome! I wonder what that means?I don’t use blogger, but try firefox. I use safari all the time, but when some sites don’t seem to work I give it a try in Firefox and it almost always works just fine.Good luck!

  40. mamatulip says:

    >That’s kind of…creepy. And a bit desperate. LOL!

  41. Jodi says:

    >That is soooo bizarre. I wonder if this approach has worked for this whack job before??? Good Lawd.

  42. d34dpuppy says:

    >that is just weird. ty 4 ur comment

  43. statia says:

    >People that email me like that are pretty much guaranteed that I won’t ever read their blog.

  44. >Psycho Skank! And I hope she sees this!

  45. The Woman says:

    >After all this talk about tracking viewers, I figured I had better start commenting before you decide I’m some sort of stalker, too, since I’ve been enjoying your site for over a month now.I’m fairly new to blogging, and started mine as a kind of family journal to update friends and family on what we’re up to. Don’t know how I randomly came across yours, but I’ve loved it. You crack me up and have been an inspiration on finding humor in situations where my kids normally piss me off, Thanks!

  46. Onetallmomma says:

    >Popularity does bring out the nut cases.And Firefox rocks!

  47. Jenny says:

    >You don’t have a pet rabbit do you? Because I’d keep a close eye on her if you do.

  48. >Hey, everyone, I’m not checking your every move on my stat tracker. Although I could, I guess, it would be incredibly time consuming. I look at my total numbers for the day and I take a look at the page that shows me which pages people have linked to my site from (because if someone’s talking smack about me, well I wanna know) and that’s about it.So if you’ve been obsessively stalking this blog, please feel free to continue. ‘Cause I’ll never know. 😉

  49. amanda says:

    >Hey Lindsay,Let me know what you think of the new MacBook. I was thinking about getting one but have never used a Mac–but the one with the integrated bluetooth/webcam plus ILife software suite really has me tempted. I’d be curious to know what a fellow blogger thinks.Thanks,Amanda

  50. Jennifer says:

    >What a relief you don’t think we’re all crazy stalkers. I’ve been comng here a few times a day ever since I discovered you through the BoB awards.

  51. >Can you say stalker? Sounds to me like girlfriend’s cheese has completely slipped off its cracker! I get oddies on occasion – but I gotta say – that one takes the entire cake complete with frosting. I dunno ’bout you, my dear – but that’s one ISP I wouldn’t want to see coming back anytime soon!

  52. R. Robyn says:

    >That’s really awesome that someone is threatening you.

  53. Marie says:

    >That’s just weird. A whole new kind of spam!

  54. Anonymous says:

    >All – It was ME! that sent her that email…and may I just share the subsequent email I sent to her, below, since she did, in fact edit the first email (although not much, I will admit….)”Sooo, I just visited your site, as I do every workday. I didn’t want to comment on the actual board, for fear of having my already fragile blog-ego further bruised. Normally, I wouldn’t even send this email, but I wanted to clarify something that bothered me. That email I sent was to a bunch of close friends, and I decided to add your email to the list on a whim at the last minute, so yes, you don’t know me, and no, the whole talking smack comment probably wasn’t funny. The reason I am trying to recover from my shock and embarassment, swallow my pride and tempt posting fate again, is that I would never want you to think that I would threaten you, actually badmouth you, or do anything negative; I’m a huge fan of your blog. Reading your blog, along with niihaus, mamarazzi, jennsylvania, etc is the reason I STARTED blogging in the first place. I gathered from your blog how happy and fulfilling it can be, and that whole “I’m a fan of yours” in some capacity comment, is very very true…… Please DON’T publish the link, don’t read my blog, whatever, it’s very obviously your prerogative, but I just wanted you to know that yes, that was a group email, you were added at the last minute, on a whim. Apparantly the email didn’t convey how much of a fan, and what an (at the risk of sounding VERY cheesy…) inspiration your blog has been to me. You can imagine my horror when you not only thought that I was seriously threatening you, but then the subsequent horror of having a bunch of people I don’t know call me crazy. I obviously crossed some sort of blogging-ettiquette line, but my lesson is now learned. It’s a great lesson in thick skin, though, so thanks…..I’ve learned that perhaps my “cyber mentors” should get a separate and personal email next time. Or maybe never again….. I’m glad you put me through the sieve, though, because I’m sure there are a lot of bloggers that would have been a lot harsher. So, thanks. I guess……and sorry.”So, that being said, I WAS a huge fan of this blog.It’s a shame niihaus took a sabbatical, because now I won’t have ANY mommy bloggers to entertain me……

  55. >Oh my gosh, you are just begging to be outed, aren’t you? Remember, you’re commenting 1) to my fans and 2) to 90% mommybloggers.Are you out of your mind?

  56. KathyB says:

    >I’ve missed all the fun! I think I might send you an email so I can get some personal treatment, too! 🙂

  57. >I didn’t read the other bazillion comments, but I had to install Firefox to get the buttons to show up on my iBook. Before I figured THAT out, I hand coded everything. Gah!

  58. MommaK says:

    >Sorry..that was me….again.

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