>Revenge on the Hooch

  1. >Funny how “He” keeps those things saved up to give them back to you just when you least expect it!

  2. Crazy MomCat says:

    >I didn’t pull any crap until college. Does that mean I get a “get out of jail free” card with my kids until they are in their 20s? Sigh…I didn’t think so. Besides, my husband was a major partier/hell-raiser. We’re in for BIG trouble.

  3. Charred says:

    >Tell your editor that I resent her obvious anti-Utah, Tennessee-centric stance when it comes to selecting which letters to the editor to publish. I mean, really, catering to her target demographic? Who does she think she is? Seriously, though, I firmly believe in “The Mother’s Curse.”Everyone gets hit by The Mother’s Curse at least once in their life. This happens when your mother, driven to the edge of insanity by the misdeeds of her children, screams, “I hope that when you have children they behave exactly like you did!”There is, of course, neither antidote nor counter-curse.

  4. >Charred, my mom said that to me many times and I’ve thought about it often now that I have a daughter who looks exactly like me…

  5. >I’m afraid of the backward karmic curse. My ring-leading in elementary school leading to the potential present day teasing of my own children. Please God! Don’t make them pay!

  6. >As usual, your article had me laughing till the tears flowed!! Oh how true, how true…each and every word! Still laughing…must go now! (No, I mean literally – must go now!!)

  7. Waya says:

    >Karma sits on my right and my left shoulders every time I decide to do something naughty. It’s such a heavy load, which is a good thing b/c I was such a chicken growing up. I was what you would call “the perfect daughter”! I hope my daughter will have my “chicken” tendencies as well.

  8. Lena says:

    >See? Whenever a mother whispers nervously “I don’t know about this” people should listen dammit!Love the story – you’re totally rockin that column.

  9. Nut's mom says:

    >weird. for some reason the page loads with errors in the text.

  10. Chris says:

    >and yet again you have made me laugh out loud. Your poor parents… and when are you sending your daughter to the convent?

  11. Pendullum says:

    >Great read…I know that ringing curse in my head of my mother … that someday I will understand all that she went through, all the sleepless nights, all the anguish… Odd that God decided to take out his/her fury on your poor unsuspecting parents….

  12. >I only pulled a couple of “stunts” (as my dad liked to call them) because I always got caught. ALWAYS. So, I’d like to think that since I got caught, I don’t have any bad karma to make up for. So my kids won’t do things like this. I’m deluding myself aren’t I?

  13. Darcie says:

    >My daughter turns 14 next month and starts high school. I’m doomed….

  14. Andrea says:

    >Vividly told story. But I think Karma has been paying ME back the last few weeks, which is why I fought back and made her my ho last week. *three finger snap and a sassy, “Mmm hmmm!”* I’d better not get too cocky though, so I’ll shut it now.

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