>Satan. I Mean, Santa.

  1. >We’ve tried twice to see Santa, and so far the elf gods are against us. I call my friends and tell Maddie that I’m actually talking to Santa about how bad she’s being. That’s terrible, isn’t it?

  2. Rachel says:

    >Thank GAWD it’s not just my kid!She has a beautiful smile, until you stick a camera in her face and then she looks like she’s constipated or having a really bad brain freeze.You are so funny.

  3. Suzy says:

    >”They send out our stat numbers every month like it’s a competition, which means, of course, THAT I MUST WIN.”Ahhhhh, a woman after my own heart.

  4. Marie says:

    >Hahaha!We’re telling our son that Santa brings presents to little boys who keep their underpants dry. We went through the whole “where is he” thing — I tried explaining it as though Santa’s everywhere, like God, at first, but I didn’t like that angle. So we switched to saying that Santa and Daddy are in touch by e-mail. Now when little K keeps his undies dry, he runs to tell Daddy to send Santa an e-mail & report to him! LMAO. The things we do.

  5. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Ah, I want my son to stay six-almost-seven forever. *sigh* How cool that you’re able to appreciate your little ones more because of your experience with your teens.(Oh, I think your TV story link isn’t working.)

  6. ShortyMom says:

    >We told our kids when they were misbehaving that we thought we saw an elf peeking in the door or window watching so that it could be reported back to Santa. Of course they were disappointed they didn’t see the elf (and they always looked) but it changed their attitudes.

  7. gertie says:

    >Oh great. I was a really big brat as a teenager. If what goes around comes around, I am going to get smacked pretty hard in a few years.

  8. June says:

    >You probably already know this, but if you’re planning a trip to Opry Mills on a Saturday right before Christmas, be prepared to spend a LONG time trying to get into that parking lot! We live close by there and we’re always amazed at the insane line of cars on Briley trying to get in.

  9. BOSSY says:

    >This is priceless. While, you know, probably being something you *paid for*.

  10. SQT says:

    >Have you ever heard of Elf on the Shelf? We bought one and now my daughter is really afraid of being bad.

  11. Kate says:

    >I’m glad we aren’t the only ones using Santa while we still can. We even have friends who setup a public website to keep their kids in line: http://www.reporttosanta.com You just go type in your kids name and rate them with comments. It doesn’t go anywhere, but a very official looking “A report for K has been sent to Santa” pops up on screen. We’ve used it a lot to make sure that Santa knows when the kids have been especially naughty AND nice.

  12. Anonymous says:

    >You’re going to Shopryland on a Saturday, right before Christmas? Are you insane?On the other hand, I guess it can’t be any worse than Cool Springs. Now THAT’s hell during the holidays!

  13. >We’ve gone to Opry Mills the last two years, right before Christmas, and it’s been pretty fun. I like it because with all the specialty shops, I can find some great stocking stuffers for Hubs, along with the usual chain store clothes and accessories for the girls. Parking’s a bitch, though…

  14. >Nice photo. At least they are happy! Oh, and I love that blog about kids and too much tv…. LOVE IT!Made me laugh out loud!

  15. >watch fred claus. sh*tty movie but a great way to explain how santa “sees”

  16. Amalia says:

    >Okay, no one’s said it, so I’m going to. Bruiser is HUGE! I can’t believe how big he is getting. I think his head is already bigger than Punky’s, and the rest of him is not far behind (I mean that in the nicest possible way – honest!!). How old do you think he’ll be when he outgrows her completely? I was seven when I outgrew my older brother (he’s 4 years my senior). As always, thanks for sharing!

  17. >I know. He’s enormous! And he’s really solid, too- there aren’t a whole lot of fat rolls on him, considering his size. I think he’s 22 lbs, last time I checked and Punky’s only 32 1/2!He’s super snuggly, too. He is soooo much fun to hold. He gets a really smug look on his face when anyone holds him and he looks around to make sure everyone can see how lucky he is!

  18. >God, they’re both adorable. Her smile says, “OMG, I’m trying to pose, is this smile the right one?”When I saw your little chunk, I was enamored. He reminds me of my little chunk!(Braden is 14 months old, and last time I weighed him he was 25 lbs… but he DOES have fat rolls… and NO I don’t feed him junk!)But it makes for a mega-cuddly buddy. 🙂

  19. Jennifer says:

    >Looks like my santa pics last year.We tell the kids that parents have santa’s number in their cell phones to call when they are bad (we’ve call my Father in law when needed)

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