
  1. mandiegirl says:

    >I'm waiting for my copy to get here. I ordered it a few days ago, and can't wait to start!

  2. Kathy says:

    >My copy is waiting for me at home…still in the box from Amazon. I'm scared after reading your "review" but am going to try it as those before/after pictures are AMAZING. I'm going to have my 14 year old athletic daughter do it with me and see how she feels the next day! This should be fun for us! Thanks for getting the word out, Lindsay!

  3. Watts Family says:

    >I've begun the shred as well. I love it!! My husband and I have been running together but Jillian kicks your butt! As a former collegiate athlete, I needed someone to push me to get in shape and she definitely does that. Good luck gettin shredded!

  4. Anonymous says:

    >Do you think I could do it if I haven't worked out in years? I'm completely out of shape, but I seriously need to do something.

  5. >Jillian claims 400 lb people do her workouts. It will KICK YOUR BUTT, though. I think it couldn't hurt to try, and just modify it as much as you have to to get through it. I was amazed at how quickly my endurance picked up. Within just a few days, I could do more push ups, the crunches were waaaay easier, etc. So I think everyone will improve in their own way, given some time.

  6. Chell says:

    >OK, I just ordered my copy…. I so need something. Nothing major, just something. I so want to fix my tummy!

  7. Heather says:

    >You may want to mention that this is available on Netflix – you can get it shipped to your house for free and keep it as long as you want!! Its at the top of my queue – I'l get it as soon as I send back "Run, Fat Boy, Run." Ha.

  8. Amberdawn says:

    >I started to Shred this week and I been moving around like an 80 year old woman in a 27 year old body!! Everyone at work thinks I'm crazy! lol I did 2 days and I had to take a break on the third day! I cursed Jillian every couple of hours, but I know in the end I'll be singing her praises!!

  9. Erin says:

    >It gets better? I bought the DVD, watched it late one night to see what I was in for (push-ups? crunches? jumping jacks? I CAN DO THIS!!!) then I did Day 1 last Saturday afternoon. I haven't had the legs to go back! After I was done I sat down to check my reader and I almost fell over when I stood back up! The Moms I know are in two groups post baby- 30 Day Shred or Couch to 5K…I'm no runner so I guess I have to go back to Jillian!

  10. Liberty says:

    >While doing it with my *hard core* 9 year old one night – he asked in all sincerity – "Mom, I think she's a little scary, don't you?!" I had to agree as I was so sweaty my hands kept slipping off the mat!

  11. >Okay, Lindsay. I just ordered one, but I may be cursing you in a few days. 🙂

  12. Nancy says:

    >1) Don't be scared and 2) It does get better.#1 kicked my ass the first time I did it but by the 3rd time (not done consecutively!) like Lindsey says your endurance quickly improves.I've been a slacker for the last two weeks but got back on my nordic track and think next week – no! tomorrow! – will start up alternating with Shred. I've done #2 (ha! you think 1 is bad?) but will start back with #1.

  13. musicjunkie says:

    >I'd like to check this out. I also HIGHLY recommend 'Buns of Steel'. It's old ('87) and cheesy, the instructor reminds me of a gay Chuck Norris, but I saw results after one week.

  14. lar says:

    >My girls refer to Jillian as "that lady that tries to kill Mommy."Congratulations on your five-pound loss! How long do you go on the elliptical, and at what level?

  15. Anonymous says:

    >Cool! I just looked and it's FREE on my Comcast OnDemand channel!!! I'm going to try it now!I also looked at the Shredhead blog that you linked to. Is it a paid blog to advertise The Shred?

  16. >Nope. I think Kristen just decided to Shred and had a lot of interest, so she made the site. She's transitioned to another workout now, and is still using that site to write about it.

  17. >lar, I go between 48 minutes and an hour on the elliptical, at level 8. After I hit 48 minutes, I drop to level 5 if I continue. I have a workout mix on my iPod to keep my speed up. (My fastest pace is "Bombs Over Baghdad"-speed, by Outkast.) 😀 And I have it mixed so that I go from slower to faster quite a bit, "interval" style.

  18. Laura says:

    >I've managed 2 days of shredding a week for the last few weeks. It sucks! Guess I need to step it up and get back on the elliptical too. I want results!

  19. punxxi says:

    >ok, my ancient self just ordered the 30 day shred, but seeing as i am an ancient crone it will probably take me 60 days…i will alternate with my treadmill i haven't been on in a year…if you never hear from me again, it means i died…

  20. Caren says:

    >Well you've all inspired me! I've been working on my health and fitness and I've lost close to 45 pounds since January. I completed the Couch to 5K plan and now I run between 10 and 15 miles per week AND I do other various cardio machines and lift weights at the Y, I'm in pretty good shape and plan on doing this "shred" with no residual pain whatsoever… LMAO! Seriously, I did just move it to the top of my netflix queue, (Thanks for that tip Heather) and I'm really excited to give it a try. This could be just what I need! Thanks! I'll let you know how it goes.

  21. >I just started to Shred this week and…WOMAN…I'm am workin' my ass off, literally, in a good way. Good luck, to us both!

  22. >I am both intimidated and intrigued. I think I'm going to hit up Amazon tonight. I could use a little de-flab-ing!

  23. Steph. says:

    >OK, dang it! You're the last person I'm going to listen to about this in blog land. I'm going to try it now! I really want to lose 10 pounds before our vacation if I can, or at least keep going with my weight loss/training and my program just ended. This might prevent me from forking over the big bucks for another trainer. Off to buy on Amazon…wish me luck!

  24. demicmic says:

    >Welcome to the dark side! LOL I too work out alot at the YMCA and figured I could do this Shred thing. Ahahahahaha. It is better now and I am not gasping for breath as much, but gee whiz. I have U Verse, and it's free on demand. Oh the joy….Michele

  25. Laura says:

    >Thank you Lindsay – I had never heard of the Shred before reading about it here on your blog. I was intimidated, because I know I am much less in shape than you, but after checking out your links – literally seeing the results – I instantly wanted to try it out.And I did – just now – using my Comcast OnDemand (thank you anonymous commenter for that)! I love it! I am dripping in sweat right now! And Jillian is not too scary. In fact, I love her tips she gives on form.

  26. Average Jane says:

    >I'm afraid of the Shred since my first attempt ended about 8 minutes in with me lying on the floor gasping for breath and hoping I didn't die.However, you've inspired me to try again. If I start now, maybe I'd see some good progress by the time BlogHer rolls around.

  27. >If you're looking for support or inspiration, c'mon over to the Shredheads blog (thanks for the linky love, Lindsay).

  28. Keyona says:

    >Oooh, good luck honey! I just finished and the last few days were hard. I barely hung on! :o)

  29. Mari says:

    >I just finished day one, level one. The only problem so far is that I kept peeing my pants with all that jumping! Anyone else (especially those who've had babies) have this problem?

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