>The Cold War

  1. John H says:

    >my kids could stare at a FULL refridgerator for hours and swear there is NOTHING in there to eat. Really helped cool the place off when the central air went on the fritz..

  2. Renee says:

    >Miss a few days and miss a bunch! Sorry to hear about your foot. Owch!But I’ve heard that our bones heal faster when we’re preg because we’ve got all that Human Growth Hormone flowing through us…so maybe you’ll be better faster than the docs think?Have you seen those prototype frigs with the camera in them so everything that’s inside shows up on the door…so you can stare without opening the door. LOL!

  3. Mom101 says:

    >That’s so funny! You just jarred my memory and suddenly I remember doing this as a kid, going back and back again to that fridge as if some new food would magically appear.

  4. Andrea says:

    >I do that in front of the vending machine at work. Sadly, I don’t have 16’s problem. For me, it’s hoping the choices have changed between now and five minutes ago when I was just there, crisp dollar in hand, hoping there would be more than chocolate and chips. There never is.

  5. >I do this constantly. I really don’t know where it comes from. I mean, I know what’s in there, I’m the one who bought it.Maybe it’s some genius thing- that’s got to be it 😉

  6. Katkat says:

    >My son started doing that too. I can’t wait til he’s a teenager.

  7. dennis says:

    >I’d tell you to do what my dad did to us (put his foot up our collective asses) when we stood in front of the ‘fridge too long.However you are not in quite the best condition to accomplish this…Nor are we living in a society that appreciates the finer points of grabbing the teen imps’ attentions…lol

  8. Pageant Mom says:

    >Don’t you know it’s hard to focus when a small carton of ice cream is screaming at you from some unknown location in the depths of the freezer??? You know it’s IN there, now it’s just a matter of finding it….

  9. Diana says:

    >my husband does this! And he closes the door, only to come back and stare again after five minutes! I just laugh at him. I do it, too, but in the pantry not the fridge. It’s a sickness….

  10. Belinda says:

    >I knew of someone who, no lie, used to take Polaroids of the contents of the refrigerator and stick them on the door, with instructions to everyone else in the family NOT TO OPEN THE DOOR until they had decided what they would be taking out.

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