>The Five Stages of Grief, Radio Format Change Edition

  1. Diane says:

    >A number of years back the country station I listened to announced they were changing format (to hard rock) and gave the date of the change.Unfortunately for me, they decided to change over a week earlier – unannounced. I woke up to hard rock blaring out of the clock radio at 5 a.m.Change sucks.

  2. Coma Girl says:

    >LOL! Stations in NY are always changing their format, that’s why I only listen to my ipod in the car…and I never know any of the latest, coolest songs.

  3. iMommy says:

    >Teehee… this is hilarious! My country station randomly changed to Classical one day.. not that I dislike classical, but it really wasn’t what I was looking for!Thank goodness, during the bargaining phase, I DID find that they had moved to another frequency… Sorry it didn’t turn out that way for you!

  4. Anonymous says:

    >This is exactly why I no longer listen to the radio in my car. CDs and my Sansa Fuze for the win.Of course, I live in Hicksville, Ill., where all anyone wants to listen to is country, so I couldn’t even FIND Jesse McCartney on the radio dial if I wanted to!

  5. LT says:

    >And it is not like we have THAT many stations to begin with in Nashville (that aren’t country). If it is the station that I think you are talking about, here’s what happened.–For a few days, it was FrankFM. Frank Sinatra 24/7…I mean WTF.–Then a few days later it switched to country…cuz that’s what N’ville needed…one more freakin country station—Then a few day’s later it landed on “Party”…as we didnt’ already have that with the River station. Oh well, I didn’t move to N’ville with delusions that the non-country music scene would be fab.

  6. ame i. says:

    >When I first moved to my town (in West TN) I found the greatest alternative station in the history of tha whole world! One fateful day, it changed to a Pop-like format. That was the first (and last) time I ever heard a Britney song in it’s entire-a-tay. I’m still not over THAT!Once while on a trip a bit south from here, I was unable to find ONE station that wasn’t country.I may come from a recovering-redneck-not-white-trash-by-the-grace-of-God family, but my parents taught me better than that.Nowadays I either listen to satellite radio or a local talk station so I know what to be outraged about around here.

  7. Sandi says:

    >I felt the same way when my favorite country station went to rock. Switched to the all news station for awhile in protest, but that was too depressing.

  8. >”It”, I first listened when 102.5 made the country switch- That’s when I went through my five stages of grief. The next night, they had become “LED 102.” All Led Zeppelin, all the time. I didn’t even hear the Frank Sinatra day! I had given up by then. 102.5 came up with a pretty good publicity ploy, I guess. But emotionally, I WAS PUT THROUGH THE RINGER.

  9. T with Honey says:

    >The last time I encountered a radio format change I don’t think I made it past the anger stage. In protest I started listening to talk radio and my dial has been stuck there ever since.Of course in my car the radio usually isn’t playing. I usually hook up my iPod if I’m alone or play whichever kid’s CD Princess demands, er, requests.

  10. Norm says:

    >I have experienced this horror, and I feel your pa … Wait. YOU HAVE AN ALL LED ZEPPELIN STATION? OMG!

  11. Nil Zed says:

    >Our cool, independent radio station when I lived in NC (they refused to play any Spice Girls or Hansen, so this was a while ago.) got bought by the great radio corporation. For about a week, they were all Beatles, all the time. I kinda liked it. Then they because generic pop, and I gave up and just began listening to NPR, or my own tapes (I told you this was a while ago, and it wasn’t a new car!)

  12. ThatGirl says:

    >Celine Dion is not acceptable. Keep dialing, for the love of God.

  13. Blue Lady says:

    >We moved to Atlanta the same month 99X came on the air in ’92. Angst literally grew up on it. They changed to pop last spring, and I’m still a little depressed about it.

  14. >I’m from Atlanta and I’m depressed about the 99X format change, too. LOVED that station.

  15. Mamalang says:

    >10 years ago, our country station went to classic rock. Last year they changed back to country. LOLThat’s why I have Sirius. No changing formats, and no LA Weight Loss commercials. WOrth the $12.95 a month.

  16. >And this is why I have Satellite radio in my car. I just can’t handle this kind of change.

  17. Jerri Ann says:

    >Oh the rage, the eternal rage when one of my perfect stations goes and does something stupid like that. Just last week or so one of my favorite rock stations (and I barely even like rock so to say it was a favorite means alot) up and went to straight dialog all day. Look, I have a 3 year old, if I want to hear someone talk all day and especially in my car…I have that hand made, I want music……gah

  18. SixValentes says:

    >This is funny to me because I’ve almost forgotten that radio even exists!;) I only listen to my CDs, and no…I don’t know many current songs;) To my credit though, I live in a small mountain town with one radio station. I gave up on them a long time ago.

  19. Anonymous says:

    >Lindsay, XM radio is a good thing.

  20. >You are HILARIOUS!Glad I listened to my sad, but reliable, CD collection in the car this morning. 😉

  21. ruby_wi says:

    >Oh yes, the dreaded format change…I am glad you mentioned feeling some sympathy for the folks who got booted that worked on that station. I am a radio DJ, and that is the crappiest thing. The DJs rarely have any notice either. I am now in a small market country station (and for the record, I don’t call anyone “tootse” when they call, or have some stupid name like “wolfhound’ LOL). the pay is not nearly as good as in a large market, but the job security is much better. It sucks. It is all about money. I am very sorry you lost your station! But usually, when a format change occurs, someone else will move in on the abandoned format…it is a vicous circle!!

  22. Brooke says:

    >Maybe it’s time to try satellite radio.

  23. >Sad to say, but I’m ALL about the free! Hell, I just have basic cable and no TIVO- do you really think I’m going to shell out $13/month for satellite radio? Although I must admit, it sounds DIVINE.

  24. WM says:

    >So here’s my tale of woe: Years ago, I listened to a particular station here in Seattle for it’s morning DJs. The music I couldn’t have cared less about but those djs, dammit, they were funny and made my drive to work much more manageable. Sadly they ended their relationship with that station during contract negotiations.So I was without them for months.Then one day I miraculously found them on another station that had just changed formats from country to rock. I was overjoyed. Until one day about 6 months later…they were gone again. The rock station changed into a “we have no format we’ll play Kiss one minute then Kool and the Gang the next” kind of station. For the love of God could they just give us a heads up instead of pulling the plug without warning. I’m just sayin’

  25. Mom101 says:

    >I applied the stages of grief to acceptance of Barney last week. So yeah, I totally hear you. At least in NYC the only radio worth listening to is NPR which makes it a little easier.

  26. Anonymous says:


  27. Izzy says:

    >Don’t give in, Lindsay! Don’t cross over to easy listening — aka The Dork Side!(I’m NOT from Atlanta and even I mourned the death of teh awesomest 99X, which I always listened to whenever I in town. How COULD they? *sniff*)

  28. Caroline says:

    >Eh…Rebecca Bain and Early Edition on NPR in Nashville are better listens anyway. Invest in some greatest hits CDs and call it a day.

  29. Anonymous says:

    >If you’re in California and the radio station undergoes a format change, it always turns into a Mexican station. Although I think I prefer Mexican to country!

  30. >It might be time for Sirius. 🙂

  31. SoMo says:

    >And then you moved onto XM radio where you get whole stations dedicated to 80’s, 90’s or today or you can have them combined. And best of all, NO COMMERICALS.

  32. musicjunkie says:

    >Satellite radio is the way to go….though I have found Sirius to be WAY better than XM….more format selections…..and Sirius also offers a “Lifetime” membership….a one time fee and all the access to all the music you want! I have yet to own that luxury myself….so for now….my iPod is my best friend!

  33. Susie says:

    >Yeah…my favorite morning team (that I have been listening to since I was 10 years old)was recently replaced by some young hipster dufuses. It was devastating!!

  34. jenboglass says:

    >Whenever this has happened to me I feel all out of sorts for days. It’s traumatic. I wander around sort of lost for days rethinking my whole existence. Not really, but finding a new station sucks.

  35. >So what does it say about me, then, when I giggle like a school girl every time I hear the new name of my fav station, “Virgin Radio,” and hum, “Like a Virgin. Hey. Touched for the very first time…” ?????

  36. >Been there, done that….poorly ;)Where I work, only three stations come in; one was a classic rock FM station that was great. Then one day, I come into work and the mood of the room is like someone beloved just died…which is just what happened: the station had changed format. Now, all that emanated from the radio was Spanish-speaking gibberish with music that sounded like a bad cross between a crazed polka fest and a bad Taco Bell commercial.Grrrrr….

  37. Daisy says:

    >only you would find such a witty way to describe this scenario!

  38. Jennifer A. says:

    >why I love satellite radio and an iPod. My stations kept changing faster than I could blink. My favorite Christian station is now Mexican.

  39. Paula says:

    >Hahaha! Come on, tell me you didn’t like Led Zeppelin day, or even better, Frank Sinatra day! I was completely mind-boggled the morning I went to take my son to school and they were playing TV show theme songs. Heh.I miss the V. I loved the 80s and 90s portion of it. Too few stations play those songs anymore.

  40. Tress says:

    >Satellite radio is worth every penny. Ipods are too much freaking work! Like I have time to select and download nine billion different songs…I barely have time to make a decent grocery list. Cave, Lindsay. Get XM. (And TiVo – good grief, what are you thinking, woman?)

  41. Sugar says:

    >Celine? Oh come now… surely there’s some hope! There’s got to be a better way! I mean, she’s definitely wrist-slitting tunage. Don’t Do IT!

  42. >A-HA!! Another Mom brave enough to admit her OCD reasoning skills! I wrote a very similar post on losing weight called Mama Got Back. I like your blog! Blessings, Whitney

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