The Suburban Spirit of the Season

  1. >Oh, my God! You are so good at story telling. Hat’s off to you. I haven’t even begun to shop yet and barely have an idea as to what to buy. UGH! Too bad there is no trophy for those both organized and tenacious enough to get it done early and cheaply.

  2. >wow, you are the queen!!!one of my gf’s is really good at these things, she finds out where they are going to be and then off we go, she’s been teaching me how to hold my own. i’m finally out of the toy stage, but you should see me with sheets and towels!

  3. yellojkt says:

    >You’re just lucky Fisher-Price is what your kid wants instead of Sony.

  4. Kellie says:

    >lol. Siiiigh. I can’t wait until I have kids so I can fight the other parents!

  5. mad says:

    >Excellent! Can I borrow you for the post christmas sales we have here in Australia. People go crazy and I need someone like you by my side 🙂

  6. >HA HA HA! This is friggin’ hilarious! I pay full price just to avoid the melee.

  7. Ditsy Chick says:

    >Once I started my oldest son in daycare I HATED all mothers that stuffed their kid with motrin and carted them off to daycare. Once there was a mom whose son had RSV and she was allowed to bring him in the day after the diagnosis. She did the breathing treatments at daycare. As I took 10 days off from work about 2 weeks later, I counted the ways I hated that bitch. I would have loved some revenge.Of course, now I am on my 3rd child and if his fever can be masked with motrin, his ass is on it’s way to daycare. Because, where did he pick-up the damn bug in the first place? I still draw the line at RSV, that’s not funny.

  8. Minerva says:

    >Oh Lucinda, you brought back so many fond memories with this one…Those awful playgroups, those awful mothers…shudder…Minerva

  9. Busy Mom says:

    >Dammit, was that today?

  10. >I’m all drunk and stuff………..but isn’t Michael Landon dead?!I want to go garage saleing with you. We’d be the wonder twins of bitchiness.

  11. >ditsy chick: I understand the temptation to send a sick child to daycare- Missing work is really stressful- but this woman is a stay at home mom. Bringing your sick kids to play group so that you can socialize is just plain wrong. And it realllllly irritates me.And Susie… Michael Landon is an angel, of course, straight from the Highway to Heaven. He makes appearances here on earth from time to time… even though his series was cancelled.

  12. Crazy MomCat says:

    >I want to come next year! I am sure there is something like this here, but I haven’t found it yet. I found myself cheering for you all through your story. You go girl!!!

  13. buffi says:

    >You rock Lucinda! I totally wouldn’t mess with you at the mall. Especially since you, apparantly have the Big Guy on your side!

  14. >Bargain hunting… should be an Olympic sport in my opinion.

  15. Angie says:

    >Oh thank heavens for you, Lucinda! Now I am not the only person I know who has gifted her children with gently used items at Christmas. They have no idea!It happened to me as a kid too. When I was 13 I got my first typewriter for Christmas. It was electric and the letter W stuck but it was THE best present ever. LOL

  16. cmhl says:

    >I LOVE that!!!and I soooooooooooo love those consignment sales.. I have thrown a few elbows to the ribs getting to the good stuff too… hopefully I didn’t hit you! haha.

  17. ieatcrayonz says:

    >Oh Lord, Lucinda. I think you said it best when the holidays have now begun.I think I’ll do my shopping on-line thankyouverymuch.

  18. christina says:

    >You are a BRILLIANT writer Lucinda. I was so depressed and sleep deprived this morning, but I was cackling contentedly by the time I finished this post.

  19. kenju says:

    >Oh, too funny, Lucinda! I used to have all the Fisher-Price toys; the farm, school, garage, Sesame Street, etc. and I was so stupid as to sell them all at garage sales over the years. I sure wish I had them all now!

  20. Anne Glamore says:

    >That’s a hoot! It’s bringing back memories of when my kids were younger. I bet I could find some (chewed on) board books I’d sell REAL CHEAP!

  21. Vanessa says:

    >You are the woman. The mom. Congratulations on all the bargains. And, what a heartwarming story that makes me want to do absolutely all of my shopping online now!

  22. twotxans says:

    >you are great…i will be back for more…i needed a laugh

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