Potty Mouth

  1. liz says:

    >Oh, it doesn’t stop when they’re potty trained. My son likes to sit with me while I go. Joy!

  2. kenju says:

    >I remember going through this, and hubs never once allowed anyone to be in the bathroom with him!

  3. Raehan says:

    >At eighteen months, Hannah loved shoving things between he back of my butt and the edge of the toilet seat. While I was pooping. Rachel used to get into the tampax box below the sink and sometimes I’d just let her have a go at it, so I could have a moment.

  4. ieatcrayonz says:

    >Heh heh. If that’s true, I’ll have my little shitter trained in no time.Mi potty es su potty. Kinda helps when there’s only three in the household, I spose.

  5. jak says:

    >Looks like baby is ready for the Everybody Poops book-we might still have it around here some place-should I send it?I love the Camel poop-in three humps-in that book:)very funny post-

  6. >Plush toys in the shape of pee and poo? yep, I’ve been that desperate. Mind you, I worry about the psychology of making them cuddly… potty training is generally about letting them go, not taking them to bed and tucking them in with you. Should be very popular with the adult-diaper-fetishists, don’t you think?Good luck with it all, and it WILL happen, some time between now and starting school…As for hubs, mine is the opposite and so comfortable in there that the kids come and go as they please (i’ve had to forcibly prevent him taking the laptop in there now we are wireless!)

  7. cmhl says:

    >hahahahah!!!!you have to check your dignity at the door when you have kids. last night, I was hiding in the bathroom, basically wanting to some peace, and counted 17 visits from my children in a 5 minute time span. ugh..

  8. B.E.C.K. says:

    >My son has only recently started asking for “privacy” while pottying, but will stand there waiting for a wipe afterward, so maybe he hasn’t totally developed modesty yet. ;^) Our bathroom has two doors, and on the occasions when I’ve closed one (to the room my son was in), the kiddo has sneaked around to the other one to make sure I’m still in there. 🙂

  9. >I was just informed that I can still access comments on Haloscan… So for this post, I’ll cut and paste the old comments.Interstellar Lass said: ohmigod. yes. i am howling here… i am about to do it all over again with my two-year-old…then the baby. meanwhile my husband asks, are you working on potty-training? if by working on, you mean thinking about, longing for, and hoping it spontaneously happens — well, then, yes. sigh. Wireman said: My son trained fairly early and I was so proud I told my cousin who promptly squashed my enthusiasm by saying,”Potty trained? That’s nothing. Wait until you don’t have to wipe their butt any more.” Masked Mom said: Ya’ know something else no one mentions? How hard it is to get them to stop following you into the bathroom once the necessary lessons are learned… Cin said: Oh my! Suddenly I’m intensely grateful I never had to go through this with my cats. On the other hand, with any luck you won’t ever have to deal with fur cling-ons or pee foot….I hope Baby appreciates you when she’s older! Mary said: LOL! I’m like your hubby – aloneness is goodness in the potty. THANK GOD for Prudence and the “Once Upon A Potty” videos we wore out when it was time to potty-train our kids… Minerva said: *laughing* Oh you have brought back so many memories! I had three daughters under two and I remember the potties lined up in the bathroom… I found the only answer was bribery….Minerva Misfit Hausfrau said: It’s a poop convention at my house when I have to go. My almost 3 year old comes in to comment on how I’m stinkin up the joint and my 9 month old crawls up to the toilet in the hopes that she can swirl her arms in the bowl. I’ve already decided that my older daughter will train the baby once she is completely trained. I can’t handle doing it twice. Vanessa said: I think only Mamas are willing to stoop that low just to teach their little ones the poo poo in the potty routine. You have cracked me up with this one! Erin said: Oh my god, you’re killing me! LOL! Wait until you hear this one: “Mommy, you have a fuzzy between your legs”.Uh, thanks, I take care of that right away! Maddii said: That was hilarious and bought back memories. My son always saw me use the toilet cause I was too scared to leave him for a second on his own. He toilet trained in 4 days just before turning 2. As Masked Mom mentioned its a lot harder to shut them out afterwards…..good luck.

  10. Networkchic says:

    >My daughter is 21 months and she’ll take elmo and make him go potty…but when it’s her turn she has no clue what that chair is for. I hope it gets easier.

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