>What I should’ve said.

  1. Neil says:

    >I remember my mother “washing my mouth out with soap.” Does anyone do that anymore? Of is soap considered too high in carbs nowadays?

  2. Lena says:

    >So nice of you to share the love. You are so so generous.Seriously, that is sad.

  3. Lena says:

    >BTW, love your new headings!

  4. Kristen says:

    >OMG! I can’t believe that kid. You have to feel a little sorry for him, because you’re right; he obviously understands what he’s saying, which means he’s more than just “overheard” those words once or twice. Geez.

  5. Kristen says:

    >*SCHMACK* That’s a kiss for a hilarious comeback. While it would disturb me to hear my 20 month old yelling the f-bomb (although considering our current circumstances, I couldn’t really blame her) BUT to hear all that come out of the mouth of a small child, I might have something to say.

  6. Mooselet says:

    >Kid can’t use proper grammar and probably still wets the bed, but can swear better than most adults. Nice parents he’s got there, they must be proud of their future delinquient.

  7. Erin says:

    >OH MY GAWD! There’s just nothing you can say to that. Holy crap.Good comeback, by the way. You rock! 🙂

  8. >Okay. I know I’m gonna get it from some Worried Mommy, so in case I wasn’t crystal clear with the title, I did not say “mothafucka” to a three-year-old boy. I’m not quite that rotten. Although perhaps “mofo” would’ve been appropriate, I stopped short of building his vocabulary and merely left.I contemplated mentioning what I’d heard to his parents in a kind of “Wasn’t that funny?” way, but when I figured out whom they were, well. Heh. No. They were clearly a head-knocking baby diaper bitch kinda family.

  9. Busy Mom says:

    >Dear Lord, Please don’t let that have been The Preschooler Formerly Known as Busy Baby.Amen.

  10. J. says:

    >The saddest part of this story is that it is believable and unbelievable at the same time. Why are there so many baby-makers out there and not so many parents? I’m sure this kid’s mama would have been up in arms if you actually had used that comeback. But I doubt they would have recognized the irony.

  11. Masked Mom says:

    >Reminds me of the two-year-old I used to babysit. I once called him “sweetheart” and he said, “Why you say me sweetheart?” And I said, “‘Cuz you’re sweet and I like you. Why? What do you think I should call you?” He said, “Ummm, dickhead.” Apparently that was Mommy’s pet name for Daddy. Poor kid.

  12. doow says:

    >Part of me wanted to hang the kid from the goalposts, but then again what kind of household has he come from to learn language like that? Uff, it’s like 60 Minutes. Only I live in the UK, so I’ve never seen 60 Minutes. I just hear they have conundrums like this.

  13. Theresa says:

    >WOW! Such language! I’m sure his parents will adore his new word! hehehe

  14. Miss Misery says:

    >He was only a toddler? When I was first reading it, I thought he was like 12 or something!

  15. Andie D. says:

    >I am laughing out loud and I think my husband is going to call my doc to see if I should up my meds again!!!Fucking classic!

  16. Serra says:

    >Sounds like a potential new member for Baby’s posse.

  17. MetroDad says:

    >Holy crap! I can’t believe little kids are cursing like that at such a young age. Wonder what conversations with his mom and dad are like. That being said, I LOVE how you taught him a new word to throw back at his folks. I also love your articulated enunciation. Just to make sure he gets it right. Hilarious!

  18. Jennifer says:

    >baby diaper bitch? i don’t get it. is that an actual expression that people use nowadays or did he make it up himself? either way, i’m equally appalled.

  19. T. says:

    >Sounds like my nephew. Seriously. Makes my hubs and I wonder what in the world goes on in their house. (I do live in Redneck County afterall.) You should have taught him Mofo. His parents probably wouldn’t even have got it. And it sounds a lot better than “baby diaper bitch.” Can you imagine how much money that kid is going to cost the justice system in the future? Scary.

  20. Holly says:

    >youch.my 6 year old nephew spouts stuff like that in between telling people “i can’t help it, my mom says i’m retarded” and she does. and she means it. and i’m horrified.he started early too. however he has a very thick accent and doesn’t enunciate properly so i can pretend i don’t understand. usually.now when my niece (age 8) shouted “we’re going to play SEX PARTY!, it’s the BEST GAME” i had to speak up.which is precisely why i don’t spend much time with my in-laws.

  21. kfk says:

    >Oh, he’s sooooo cute. But, yes, totally inappropriate language, I agree, for sure, yep, that would not have made me giggle out loud because that is reprehensible behaviour I tell ya, just ludicrous, from a THREE YEAR OLD? Jeez, baby.diaper.bitch. Oh my dear God, I would still be rolling with laughter, but not approving laughter, oh no, that is not acceptable from a toddler. How are you able to breathe? That was TOO damn funny! OK, it’s probably a good thing you didn’t confront the parents but in a sadistic sort of way I am relishing the thought of how they would have reacted had you taught their son a new choice word. Or maybe not, they may have bitch slapped him. Horrible parents one way or the other, I’m sure. Thanks for the laugh.

  22. Beverlee says:

    >I think the thing that bothers me about the language issue is that there is often a lot of anger that goes along with it. I wonder what kind of a household this tiny person is growing up in? Honestly, sometimes an involved community can make all the difference. I hope there is someone in that little guy’s life who is having a postive impact on him.

  23. >HA HA! Ok. I’m not laughing. HA HA. Seriously, not laughing. I mean, it’s totally not funny. HA HA HA!

  24. Sarcomical says:

    >wow. too bad his parents were sitting so far away, it would have been interesting to see the looks on their faces had they heard him say that in front of everyone. i wonder how they would have reacted…?p.s. you’re so awful. 😉

  25. Webmiztris says:

    >wow, baby diaper bitch! that’s actually really original for a 3-year-old! does his dad happen to be Andrew Dice Clay? 😉

  26. Marie says:

    >Too bad he’s so shy around strangers… imagine what he’s like once he gets to know you!Poor kid.

  27. mama_tulip says:

    >Wow. I mean, what do you say to that? Just wow.

  28. yellojkt says:

    >Tell that stupid punk the new cool word is cocksucker.

  29. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Yikes. Quite a difference between a toddler repeating something she doesn’t understand, and an older kid using words he (sort of) understands. I used to work in a small office with three men who swore constantly. One of the guys was an award-winning pottymouth — it seemed like every other word out of his mouth was foul. One day he had to leave work early to attend a parent-teacher conference. The next morning, he said the teacher had informed him that his six-year-old had told a classmate, “Shut the f*** up!” Nice. Would’ve been nicer if the incident had effected lasting positive change around our office. ;^)

  30. Angie says:

    >That is not funny but I am laughing. I know those words would really impress the parents. I am trying not to laugh, really.

  31. Virenda says:

    >I can so agree with you as far as the difference between a little kid saying a word because he/she heard it before and NOT knowing what it means or that it’s bad and another kid using it properly and so um cohesively. That really is sad, I don’t wonder what’s going on cause I’m pretty sure I already know and it isn’t pretty.

  32. Vanessa says:

    >OH NO YOU DI-INT!! Girlfriend!!!

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