>Baby Fat

  1. Mary Tsao says:

    >You’re so funny! Love the article. I was a big ‘ol pregnant woman, too. I stopped getting on the scale at 200 pounds.I’m sure this time it will be different! 🙂 Or not, but at least it will be over one day!

  2. Kristen says:

    >You sound like me during pregnancy – I gained about 60 pounds and was a swollen whale, too. Sigh. If it’s any consolation, I gained less than 50 with my second one, and wasn’t nearly as swollen.

  3. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Mwah, ha, ha—Gene Shalit. Loved that! If I lived near you, I would so totally bring you pastries!

  4. >Yep. Macy’s Float. I know that feeling. 65 pounds packed onto my ass. And for some reason not all the bitches have left. One day…

  5. Mrs. Davis says:

    >Knocked-up-stare-of-death, heh, heh. I STILL do that, and I haven’t been pregnant in over a year. Now it’s the knocked-up-stare-of-woman-with-two-kids.

  6. Gertie says:

    >I’m 5 months pregnant and a majorly outspoken grouch. I’m with you.

  7. O Mama Mia says:

    >HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! You are too funny! A great article & I can so feel your pain. Not currently pregnant, but I remember all too well…

  8. wordgirl says:

    >I was as big as a parade float. Every. Single. Time. That is all.

  9. Mrs.X says:

    >I was fine as long as I didn’t look in a mirror or see pictures of myself. My ass could’ve doubled as our dinner table. ‘Nuff said.

  10. mrsmogul says:

    >I gained 30 pounds, 10 of which won’t fly off!!! I am not ready to get knocked up again but now i know what you’re going through. IT’S SOOO EXCITING!!

  11. Raehan says:

    >I gained 40 pounds both times. The problem was I only lost thirty each time. Sigh.The good news is that I have about 80 culminative pounds of girls kissing me up every day and telling me I’m pretty. That helps.

  12. adria says:

    >Ahh the similarities….I gained 65+lbs. during the first pregnancy. I do not even want to know what will happen the next time around. And do not even get me started on going through labor again. Can I survive another experience like that??If anything, it should be a law to give pregnant women a pastry when you see her instead of patting the belly or making unnecessary comments/advice.

  13. Cmommy says:

    >I believe that *some* women have a form of amnesia when it comes to remembering what a particular trimester looks like on a real body. (Hollywood’s tendancy to hide from photographers after the 7th month only perpetuates the size myth.)If you like, every day I’ll leave you a positive comment regarding your pregnancy. I went through it 6 times, so I have experience and a wish list of things that would have been nice to hear! !:-)C (singalulllby.typepad.com)

  14. >Ha ha! That should be a rule. One person is required to leave a comment each day about how great I look pregnant. 😉

  15. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Oddly, my ankles didn’t swell up until the day after I delivered, but I was one gigantic, uncomfortable blobby woman for the last few months of my pregnancy. Something tells me, though, that your second pregnancy will go much more smoothly, now that you know what works for you and what doesn’t. :-)(BTW, your page has recently started appearing wonky, with the text buried far below your links. Is it just me?)

  16. Camie Vog says:

    >That was a fantastic article! Thanks for writing everything that went thru my head for my last pregnancy. I just found out I am pregnant for the second time (very similar to your experience). I keep telling myself that this time will be better, but deep down, I know it is a lie. Great blog, by the way!

  17. >Hilarious! And please, you couldn’t possibly be more of a miserable bitch than I was during pregnancy… During the first one everyone said I was TOO SKINNY to be that pregnant, so I was making extra doctor appointments to verify the baby was growing… Second time around, everyone was sure I was having twins… You can’t win.

  18. Kathy T. says:

    >Could you be ANY cuter?!?! Sadly, my answer to the “When are you due?” question is “eleven years ago.” Pshaw.

  19. >Ok so the thing NOT to do is tell you that I only gained 22 pounds each time with all three of my pregnancies, right? Because that would be bad and I risk a punch in the nose? PASTRIES and compliments. Got it. As soon as I’m on my feet again, I’ll start baking 🙂

  20. Kristi says:

    >Yeah…but don’t forget the big boobs. Every pregnant woman loves the big boobs…it’s not all bad, right?

  21. Kendra says:

    >Really enjoyed this article. I too gained more than the “recommended” amount. Congrats to you.

  22. Kristen says:

    >14 weeks pregnant with my second and my friend asked if I was showing. She was one of those “I can’t wear maternity clothes at 22 weeks because I just look bloated, not pregnant” evil people. Do I look pregnant? Yeah. Is the bag of Oreos a day helping? No. My next tshirt in my line of maternity shirts is “not just letting myself go.” and “I miss beer.” Cause I really miss beer.

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