>Pregnancy Symptom #547: The Crying.

  1. Carley says:

    >I so feel for you – I am an emotional wreck around that time of the month and I’m a little frightened about how I’m going to be someday when I’m pregnant.And I hope you are kidding about Wendy’s frosties. I’m getting a little teary-eyed at the thought of that being true and I’m not even pregnant!

  2. jag says:

    >What? No more Frosties? Tell me that’s not a true statement!

  3. >Well, it’s still on their website, but my girls went there a few weeks ago and were told they only made vanilla Frosties. Hopefully, it was just that particular Wendys.

  4. Shelly says:

    >No more Frosties while pregnant should be illegal!!!

  5. >When my wife was pregnant with our first child she broke down uncontrollably over the fact that she accidentally killed one of our goldfish. She sobbed, “I can’t even keep a stupid goldfish alive. How in the world am I qualified to have a baby?!!” Sad, but very funny.

  6. MommaK says:

    >I still cry all the time. I was crying by the time I got to your #2. The Dixie Chics always make me cry and so does fast food…after I binge on it. What does that all mean? I don’t know – but I feel ya sister. I feel ya.

  7. Waya says:

    >I feel your tears! When I was pregnant, if someone looked at me the wrong way…I’d be bawling my eyes out! Damn hormones! And I love love Gilmore Girls! Can’t wait for the new season to start!

  8. Marie says:

    >I was the same way when I was pregnant. I remember reading something that consoled me… the hormones that make it possible for your body to have a baby are the same ones that make you so emotional. So yeah, it’s embarrassing, but there’s a miracle in progress, dangnamit!

  9. MetroDad says:

    >When my wife was pregnant, she was prohibited from watching television because, every day when I came home, I’d find her bawling about something she’s either seen on Oprah, on a tv commercial, or on a cartoon. You know. ‘Cause sometimes watching Tom & Jerry just rips your heart out.

  10. Chaos says:

    >Well, I guess you’ll just have to relocate to Utah because the Wendy’s here still make the Frosties. In fact, an itty bitty little one comes with their kids meals! 🙂

  11. Lena says:

    >Did you cry because your peach lotion made you throw up? And you felt bad for the peach lotion? Likely on its way. ;)BTW, you totally have the glow, pretty girl.

  12. Mary-LUE says:

    >Nobody hate me, but in defense of belly touchers, I have this to say: There is something about the joy and potential in pregnancy. In seeing the evidence of a life about to be born and knowing how cute and yummy those babies are, you want to be a part of it and the only way is to touch the belly. Belly touchers are just trying to love on your baby.That said, they should absolutey ask permission first and respect a “NO!” at all times.Lest you think I am a belly toucher, I hereby solemny swear that the only pregnant bellies I touch are my friends’, with permission. (I think. I don’t remember ever touching anyone else’s belly. If I did, I ask for forgiveness.)

  13. Charity says:

    >Aww, that was the saddest, but also sweetest post ever! I had forgotten about the emotions involved in being pregnant. I used to cry over every single Hallmark commercial, it was so bad that I started leaving the room whenever one was on.Hang in there girl, remember the glow, it may be a soggy glow, but there is a glow! You already know in the end, it is all so worth it!

  14. >Pampers commercial. Baby animals. Rod Stewart singing “Forever Young.”Yeah. Cried my eyes out. Every.Single.Time.

  15. KTP says:

    >Oh boy. I am trying for the second round myself. I had okay first pregnancy but I fear for the second b/c everyone tells me they are different. I will watch you for pointers!

  16. >Don’t even play the song “Lullaby” on the Dixie Chicks new album. You’ll be a frickin’ mess. Though sometimes a good cry it’s just what a girl needs.

  17. Shotgun says:

    >This time around I distinctly remember my husband being away on a business trip and I was feeding our toddler and she accidentally dropped her plate full of broccoli off of the table. So, I got down to pick it up and started bawling my eyes out because it was 5 minutes past the time he told me he’d be home and now I had to pick up all of this soggy broccoli off of the floor and I was nauseous and why oh why do I always have to do EVERYTHING (so not true)…it was a huge pity party. So glad my hormones seem to have evened out now.

  18. Titanium says:

    >I discovered waterproof mascara when I was pregnant. That song about the kid wanting to buy shoes for the mom to see Jesus in gets me. I change the station if I ever hear it. We still have chocolate frosties in Oklahoma, and the vanilla ones too.

  19. Raehan says:

    >Well, I adore the Dixie Chicks and think an entertainer has a right to make their opinions known, especially about something as significant as war. I cry too when I listen to their new CD.But that is NOT the point is it. This is not about me, it’s about you. Yes, cry. I’ve been there. I get it. The thing is when you are pregnant the things you get upset about are absolutely not insignificant to you, and that’s what matters.Hug.

  20. surcie says:

    >Did you just make me laugh at the fact that Mr. Rogers is dead? That is so wrong. Stop making me laugh at STUFF I SHOULDN’T LAUGH AT!

  21. Mom101 says:

    >Oh my God, thanks for reminding me. I totally forgot about the tear-streaked face that was mine for the first three months or so. RIP Fred Rogers. Feel better, L.

  22. Pickalish says:

    >I thought they still made chocolate along with the new vanilla!! Now I’M CRYING TOO! Thanks alot! =) Seriously, feel better quick, it’ll pass, and you’ll forget all about it. Until next time. =)

  23. >Sweetheart trust grandma, it will get better. {{{hugs}}.I’m still upset over Mr. Rogers dying. He was an icon amoung my older children.I miss the Dixie chicks music, I wish they’d just get over it and sing. Keep politics out of art.Glad your hubby realized he was in need at home more.I had 5 children dear, and all of them found a way to climb up on the bump and get a hug, snuggle. I had to sit down for it alot, but we did it. You’ll be amazed how little one will get around that bump to get next to you!For God’s sake quit being nice and smack the next person who touches your tummy! Tell em you got one mean bitch of a grandma who lives in Knoxville and will come over let em have it she doesn’t like tummy touchers unless you say okay!Or get a big tee shirt that says, “Touch the tummy be prepared to die!”Hang in there!

  24. Stephanie T. says:

    >Chocolate shakes (or better yet, malts) from Sonic blow Wendy’s frosties out of the water! I was addicted to them during each of my two pregnancies (hence the 55 lb. weight gain both times.)

  25. >Raehan, I didn’t mind what she initially said- I really didn’t. Everyone has a right to their opinion. But after a while, I felt like they were trying to rub everyone’s noses in it. It was the focus of every interview and every conversation and their entire tour afterward and I just thought- What about those of us who don’t really care about their politics and just want to hear the music? I mean, that’s what made them famous, not their opinions on the war. I think too many entertainers today (too many of whom seem to want us to believe they were Harvard educated when the reality is that they barely graduated from high school) are trying to shove their politics down our throats. And I personally enjoy music and movies to get away from all that, for the most part. Gosh, this is another post for another time. 🙂 All these words weren’t just in response to your comment- I’ve actually been thinking about it all day…

  26. >It’s a difficult predicament though, I think, for entertainers like the Dixie Chicks to know that they are going to be benefitting from this massive corporate outlay of money and exposure, and then remain quiet about matters of serious conviction and conscience to them when provided that platform. I think they had to know that with the audience they were being marketed to it would create a significant backlash. I personally think it was a brave thing to do, to criticize the Iraq war, but then I completely agreed with the sentiment, so perhaps I am biased.Muhammed Ali elected to give up the Heavyweight title rather than serve a ceremonial tour of duty in Viet Nam, a stance for which he was widely excoriated at the time, but is now largely admired and celebrated for.Before that the actor Ronald Reagen parlayed a significant political activism into a pretty decent career in politics himself. The point about entertainers preaching is well taken- it can certainly become tiresome- but I think creating boundaries about what different people should be encouraged to voice or discuss are a little arbitrary. It all boils down to whetehr you have anything worthwhile to contribute to the dialog, I think.This blog is a great achievement, by the way.

  27. Nut's mom says:

    >oh god. I hated the crying. I usually don’t cry at anything. I just don’t do it. but when preggers with Nut? holy crap, went and saw March of the Penguins with the Bear. the first thing he said to his friends, “when your wife is preggers, NEVER let her see that movie!” LOLSigh… and Luke and Lorili will NEVER get together. sorry. 😛

  28. demondoll says:

    >I am a horrible person- I totally laughed when I read about your tears for Mr. Rogers. Nevermind that I cried when he passed away, your words just made me giggle!

  29. >I am seriously going to videotape some moves you can use for those damn belly rubbers! What is up with that? You’re like seven weeks pregnant! My God, people are obnoxious.

  30. >AND, I have to say after reading through the comments, THANK YOU re: entertainers keeping their politics to themselves. Susan Sarandon and her obnoxious husband come to mind as well. It’s very annoying, glad I’m not the only one who thinks so.

  31. R. Robyn says:

    >If I come back to the States, and go to Wendy’s, and NOT get a chocolate frosty, I will be crying.

  32. >See, I think the Dixie Chicks decided they were cooler than country- and thought they could use Natalie’s remarks (after the fact) to create a backlash that would land them firmly in the arms of the NY/LA music industry and those fans, as opposed to the Nashville side of things. From what I heard working with and interviewing music industry executives here, the Dixie Chicks were loathed way before that remark was made. The word was that they thought they were bigger than country- and they probably were. But they really pissed off some high-ups here, many of whom have the exact same politics that they do. I guess I’m way more cynical about their particular case than most people. Although I really did LOVE their “Home” album.To make this even longer, I should clarify that it’s people like the Dixie Chicks, who make it seem calculated, or Sharon Stone, who’s obviously an idiot, yet soooo condescending, that drive me crazy. Tim, if you get all political it doesn’t bother me because I know you do a lot of reading and writing and thinking. I actually get that impression about Bono, too. Angelina is at least backing up her words with deeds. But random celebs like Jessica Simpson trying to jump on the bandwagon? Gag.

  33. Kellie says:

    >Perhaps I AM pregnant.Even though the test said no… I am crying a lot.Great post.

  34. Vicky says:

    >Holy Crap! Wait! What?! Wendy’s no longer makes frosties? What will I dip my fries in? Plus being pregnant- what more can they do to us?www.themummychronicles.blogspot.comoh yeah, I just went there.

  35. Diane says:

    >They don’t make chocolate Frosties anymore! WTF!

  36. Diane says:

    >And I think Luke and Lorili will get toghther on the very last episode. I think she herself will get knocked-up (which I just recently learned from my Grandmother is not a nice term and that “babies are a wonderful thing!I totally agree as I myself have for some strange reason been trying with the hubbie to become one of the crying masses of hormonaly challenged pregnant women for a little while now.I’m percolating this week so I could use some good crazy baby lady thoughts.) Anyway. She’ll find out and she and Luke will elope to Vegas or something. And Rory will go with her as a witness, Logan will follow her, they’ll get married, Lane will find out she’s pregnant and Sookie will go crazy and cook Ms. Patty for dinner at the Dragonfly. Just a thought.

  37. >Awww. This will pass. Sometimes a cry is good for you though. Crying releases stress and toxins. I’ve been known to rent Beaches just so I could cry. And if I’m really in need of a good sob, I go double-barrel with Terms of Endearment. I recommend that you not watch either of these films at this time. P.S. I’m givin’ you a little linky love.

  38. Lisa says:

    >Ugh, those hormones are HELL. Funny, but I still burst into tears like you. I did the other day over an Extreme Makeover Home Edition – cried for an hour afterward.Don’t cry about not holding her on your lap – I was able to, even though I did shed a few tears when I first thought that.

  39. >Okay, People.Should I mention again that I am on Season 2, Episode 2 of Gilmore Girls? That is all I have seen. I don’t need to know what happens beyond that point, m’kay?Thanks. 🙂

  40. Carrien says:

    >The worst part I think is that “deer caught in the headlights” look that i see on my husbands face when I start pregnant crying around him. I know he wants to run away until the hormones subside and that makes me cry even harder and longer than the original thing that I shouldn’t be crying over, because he thinks I’m crazy.

  41. Chase says:

    >Hey, we should totally hang out this week. We can sit around and cry about everything. YAY!*hugs* Feel better, hon.

  42. yellojkt says:

    >I saw the Dixie Chicks live last week and they RAWKED. The “Mad As Hell” song was the best number and got a standing ovation. Of course, I was in DC.

  43. Diana says:

    >I’ll die if I go to Wendy’s and they dont have a choco frostie for me…and I’m not even pregnant!When I WAS pregnant, i cried for everything. my husband was constantly calling me a wimp which made me cry even more. He knew it was the hormones, but it made him laugh. And i hated him until I could laugh at myself a few minutes later.Also: I love the Gilmore Girls but I stopped watching when I went back to work (too busy for t.v and that sucks!) so I’m going to have to pick up what I’ve missed…

  44. >Twenty years after my first was born and I, who was never a cryer, STILL choke up at some commercials and cry at sad news stories – particularly if it involves children.Here’s another thing that might provoke the waterworks: You’re going to have to come up with a new pseudonym for Baby when, er, Baby is born…

  45. Renee says:

    >it’s been so long since I’ve been pregnant…I don’t remember getting all weepy. But then I didn’t get the glow and the fab hair either.I hope you have some cheerful days soon. And I’m sure your baby will cuddle on the side too. Have you tried listening to the baby’s heart beat with a stethoscope?

  46. mrsmogul says:

    >NUMBER TWO CRACKED ME UP!! I miss MR. ROGERS!…especially the cute little bear that used to stand near the train tracks.

  47. mark says:

    >girlfriend…..that is normal for you to cry..some say crying is good for the sole…I cry at tv commercials, sad songs, sad websites.and sometime I cry when a story ends up happy…I guess I am very emotional…but a good cry is always good..wish you luck in the next 9 months of joy!! lol Just think 19 years from now you can look back and thank god for the joy your babies have given you over the yrs and then you can relax and retire for good and live life….cherish the memories now…

  48. Raehan says:

    >Lindsey,This is a totally liberal-East-West coast kind of comment, but the Dixie Chicks ARE way cooler than country and bigger than Nashville.But how the hell would I know, I’ve never been to Nashville.LOLPsssst. I’m going to their concert in September.

  49. Anonymous says:

    >I feel for you – I would cry at TV commercials, anything when I was pregnant And come on up to Cleveland (OH) – we have chocolate Frosties at our Wendy’s! Hmm, how to Fedex one to you…….???

  50. Lily says:

    >The worst is the St. Jude’s commercials. I would cry to days.

  51. >How about that Maxwell house commercial…you know, the one where the mom invites the lonely little old neighbor lady over for a cuppa maxwell house, and the kids and dad go put up a christmas tree. Sheesh, I’m tearing up just thinking about it.But Tim…much as I respect your comments, I can’t help but think that you almost choose to write about the Wendy’s frosty controversy instead.Luncinda, you are the bomb mom. Keep crying, and smack the next sucker who pats your belly.

  52. >Yes, I remember and so does my husband! A few months ago he and I were having a very small disagreement about the order of our Netflix Queue… and I started bawling. And he looked at me in shock and said, “OH MY GOD ARE YOU PREGNANT???”Sadly, I wasn’t… just a random act of lunacy in my case!

  53. >Oh and about Sharon Stone! What did she say, “we’re just a hairsbreadth away from solving the problem” (talking about Iraq/terrorism/peace in the middle east and so on if I remember correctly).Uh, yeah, I’m sure she’s heavily informed on the ins and outs of foreign policy…

  54. Christi says:

    >I once had a complete mommy meltdown in the local supermarket. I was pregnant, and i had my two year old daughter in the shopping cart at the checkout, and my 4 1/2 year old son went around to the end of the checkout to help me put things in the cart without asking, but he got lost cause he went down too far past the checkout, and then some more.. so i couldnt find him. i was calling his name and looking around and i wanted the store to be shut down NOW and told the checker to please watch the baby and went running outside to look for my boy in case some pervert had taken him outside to stuff him in a car.. sobbing the entire time. Davis showed up in hand with the service desk girl, perfectly fine, and I grabbed him in a hug and sobbed some more, making everybody damp. It was not the best moment for this mother of (now) three.

  55. Anonymous says:

    >thank you so much for posting this i started to cry when i read number 1 good god this is my first pregnancy and i feel nuts! I started to cry when i spilled cereal on the floor!But at least im not the only one who is a mess!

  56. Anonymous says:

    >So if you just cry and cry and let it all out, does that help it go away faster? I’m apparently in this stage now, and I haven’t a clue why my face is all wet now. Sigh.

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