>Bell of the Ball

  1. Karen Rani says:

    >Your people are so weird Lindsay. Us Canadians are the ones in lawn chairs, yelling out the occassional, “Go Jimmy!” and clapping politely.What’s next for hubby? Will he bring an elephant? I can’t wait to hear!Karenxo

  2. Belinda says:

    >I’m from Arkansas (right next to Tennessee, for those of you who might not know), and I can TELL you what’s next. AIR HORNS. Trust me. Air horns.

  3. bunchkin says:


  4. MrsWndr says:

    >Loved the article. And I love Hubs devotion and support of his daughters. Any girl should be so lucky! You’ve got yourself a keeper.

  5. ang says:

    >That is to funny!I can just envision the whole thing. Just wondering did everyone get headaches? I went to a college football game where everyone yelled boomer sooner over and over and I got a huge migrain! Ha!!! Owls leave carcasses youve got yourself a pretty funny guy 🙂

  6. Kathy says:

    >That is the most hysterical thing I have ever read – I can totally picture it. I bet it was the loudest soccer game in Bellevue history.Love you blog — keep it coming.

  7. Andrea says:

    >So it took a whole bleacher set full of parents playing kazoos to drown out one man’s bell? I say next time you play MLK, bring more bells and pass them out. Air horn Schmair horn.

  8. >Very funny piece. (I must say I hope there are no autistic kids attending. My daughter would have a nervous breakdown on the spot from all the noise)!Beautiful that your hubby is so into his girls!

  9. >are we ever going to hear how it ended with the MOMS club? did you go to the mental health discussion? i can’t stand the suspense!hi, i’m kim, this is me delurking.

  10. Hope says:

    >Brings back memories of parents bringing gallon jugs filled with pennies or rocks and shaking them during the game. Where is the advil?

  11. Lahdeedah says:

    >See, that other team, they know how to handle things. Can’t beat em, join em, only louder.Bells and kazoo’s are much better than side-line screamers any day.

  12. >rizzo, it is obnoxious. It is totally obnoxious. But the girls love it, their parents seem to love it, and I think it’s just harmless fun. And if you could see Hubs watching the game, you’d know he’s far more interested in the girls than anything. He’s been coaching six of the 11 school team starters on his rec team for the past 12 soccer seasons and his rec team has only lost one game in the last 3 or 4 seasons of play, so he knows what he’s doing.And he does take the courtesy of standing far down the field, away from the bleachers, so no one’s eardrums are harmed except mine!As for the GH Moms Club, complexlittleone, sadly, the VP of membership never contacted me about upcoming events. So it looks like no mental health seminar or pumpkin patch for me. ;(

  13. DramaMama says:

    >This is the stuff that breeds 100 year traditions and legacies. Someday, 100 years from now, the team will no longer be called the “Owls”, they’ll be called the “Ringers”. A huge bell in the stadium will ring with every goal, loudly and proudly. A student will then ask one day where the team got their name and why the bell is so important. Someone will start telling the story of the infamous “bell ringer” … “Well, back in 2006, a fanatic father came to every game his girls played in and proudly rang a bell with every great play and goal. One time, a rival team tried to out-do this supportive father and it only spurred on our team’s parents even more. Soon, they were ALL bringing bells to the games. After a few years of this, the teams name was changed to the “Ringers” and a new bell was put in the field to ring in pride…. and that is how the “Ringer” came to be….”I can see it all happening! I loved this article. Great story!

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