>Cell Phones Should Be Heard, Not Seen

  1. ieatcrayonz says:

    >What the freak is up with those comments? When people give up on bashing you, they bash each other.BTW, I didn’t like the article because you used your literary license instead of focusing on the technology. Given the content of the article, now that would be stupid, wouldn’t it?

  2. >Oh yeah, the Pith blog is pure joy. There are two or three male commenters who always, always, always have something negative to say. It’s like their schtick and it is so very pathetic.

  3. ceeelcee says:

    >20 years after my excruciating three years in braces, I saw my orthodondist’s name in the obituaries.I smiled a quiet little private smile.”Where am I going, and why am I in this handbasket?”

  4. cursingmama says:

    >Now see, we’re in the whole “phase I” of braces with the Princess – and I don’t mind all the trips in to see the Ortho man, he’s actually pretty nice. What I mind is all the checks I have to bring the Ortho man.

  5. >I just love it when you post there because I can’t wait to see what John and The Bookman have to say. I bet they have headsets for their computers!

  6. laura says:

    >I absolutely LOVE the comments on your Pith blog. I LOVE them, Lindsay Ferrier with your cell phone driving around in your SUV. Ha.

  7. Kristen says:

    >I have braces – tell 13 to be anal about following the orthodontist’s instructions and keeping her teeth as clean as possible. She’ll get them off sooner that way.

  8. demondoll says:

    >I don’t like the wireless headsets, either. People do look and sound nutso.Those commenters were out of control. You say they’re always like that???

  9. Clio says:

    >Good luck with the 18 months. My sister was supposed to have them on for 2 years and it was almost 4 years later when they came off.

  10. >I love the posts you do there as well, mostly for the comments, but I read for you first!!! Hehehe…I have such distinct pictures in my mind what these yahoos look like. Ok, yes, I do have a headset, that STAYS in my car, thank you very much. Maybe they’re all trying to cultivate the Time/Life operator look…

  11. >I remember once my old boss called me all excited as he was driving, saying, “I’m talking on my hands-free phone!”And I sort of ruined it for him by going, “Oh my God, imagine what a complete jackass you must look like to all the people driving by you!”(we were friends, so it was okay!)

  12. Lauri says:

    >My stepdaughter has a year left with braces. I can’t sympathize with her physically since I never had braces (thankfully) but I can feel her emotional pain as I walk in that ortho office month after month, her for the check up, me with the check…

  13. Lisa says:

    >Can I just ask..where the hell do those commenters come from? It’s like they just wait for you to post to harass the hell out of you (or maybe they do that to everyone – I don’t read any of the other articles). I’d be scared they were sitting out in their SUV’s with their headsets on, watching your every move. They don’t come off as cool, or smart…they come off as creepy and freaks.Anyway. I loathe those things too. When we went to the drive-in two months ago, one of my husband’s old boyhood friends had one on. We chuckled, and what I found even funnier is that yes, he is a chubby guy! LOL

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