>Dessert Cage Match

  1. Ruby says:

    >You go girl with your chocolate-glazed-coconut-almond-cake-with-white-chocolate-filling! I know it’ll be 100x better than anything that takes two days to marinate. 😉

  2. buffi says:

    >You know that you will totally win the dessert war this year Lucinda. That woman soesn’t stand a chance. And Susan? She sounds like my kind of people!

  3. Busy Mom says:

    >I’ll find her. I can pose as a survey taker or something, or, I can beat it out of her.

  4. Erin says:

    >LMAO. I had forgotten Dessert Match 2005 was coming up! Send me a sample, I’ll test it for you! Good luck and I can’t wait to hear how it turns out!

  5. Kelly says:

    >This is hilarious!I wish I knew someone who threw this kind of party! (maybe I’ll steal your idea….)Anyway… second cold in two weeks…. This is what we get for being around our adorable germ-y kids.

  6. Minerva says:

    >Hey, anything with chocolate ALWAYS wins….Minerva

  7. MommaK says:

    >Ooooo she’s nasty!! Marinating for 2 days?? You’re thinner & prettier, right? Your husband is more successful? Your home is bigger and you throw better parties? Tell me I’m right. Oh I wish I could be there!!!Good luck. You know I’m rooting for you and I’ve got your back 😉

  8. Vanessa says:

    >Oh, gosh, that sounds so good. If you don’t win it’ll only be because she’s lined her dish with $100 bills!

  9. jak says:

    >Chocolate!Glazed!Coconut!Almond!CAKE with White!Chocolate!Filling!-I say the bitch is going down! hahaMy fingers are crossed girl!I hear you on the whole-“i’m a mommy now-so now I’m goodie two shoes”-I just made a friend with a mom at our school who said she wanted to get to know me-cuz she heard me say “fuck”-(not at school)-and a girl gotta say that now and again!ps-I posted comments a couple of times and they did’nt show up-must be me:(they were good too!Hope you and baby cakes are feeling better soon:)

  10. >i’ve got three kids, if i was coming, i’d pick up a box of donuts;)see, i still have my sense of humor and i hope you win!!!

  11. >I admit, I’m not competitive when it comes to cooking. Let’s just say it’s not my strong suit. But, if ever there was a competitive contest to bear witness to, it would be this. Man, I wish I could taste the fruit of this conflict.I’m sure you’ll kick some ass my friend. Anyone this dedicated to sweet things in life will come out on top. By the way, we had a girls night out last Friday and after we drained our first drinks. We decided that each of us must swear profusely for the rest of the night. Since having kids we tend to avoid or spell out our once colorful language. Let me tell ya…It felt really, really good.

  12. >I LOVE the idea of a Holiday Bake-Off Smackdown! Anything with Chocolate and almonds and coconut and white chocolate that is glazed–and is a cake is a winner for sure!Best of Luck. Wait, you won’t need it. I am sure you have the Patron Saints of Chocolate and coconut on your side–whomever they may be.

  13. Crazy MomCat says:

    >We are all SO rooting for you, Lucinda! I have a good feeling about this one–how can you go WRONG with a dissert that sounds like that? Ahhh…Keep us posted on how the war unfolds and have a GREAT party!

  14. kenju says:

    >Good luck with your cake and let us know what happens.

  15. calswec says:

    >growl… kick some ass

  16. WendyWings says:

    >You are going to kick her butt to the kerb with your dessert.My HUSBAND is the competitive cooker in this family lol.

  17. Raehan says:

    >You see, you would like me, because I would be so unlike the bitch. My dessert would look bad AND taste a little off.

  18. Heatheranne says:

    >Yeah, you’re going to kick her pear marinating ass!

  19. mamaloo says:

    >You work that glaze, you subversive mama! Anne’s dessert can only disappoint.

  20. mrsmogul says:

    >Okay I keep my eyes crossed for you!! Sounds yummy and wanna see what the turnout is

  21. liz says:

    >You’ll win hands-down!

  22. >I’ll vote for you! It sure sounds fantastic. You’ve got to think of some way to sneak a picture of your dessert and her dessert so we can compare!

  23. >I just found your blog. So freakin’ cool. I got into a baking smackdown at my son’s preschool awhile back. I know women just like her…my neighbors, as a matter of fact. Kick her pear-marinating butt!

  24. Clio says:

    >cold-wise, it’s probably your baby that’s making things rough. when you catch a cold from someone with genes in common with you, it’s able to better make you sick since it already adjusted to your family member’s similar genes. Hope you can stay well for a while.

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