My Nightmare on Elm Street

  1. ieatcrayonz says:

    >Girl, you need to drink more.

  2. Ditsy Chick says:

    >I used to get creeped out by my kids bedroom, not my kids per se, but the room (it was an old creeky house). I used to hot foot it out of there as soon as I could. Thinking, “goodnight, momma is frightened of your room, but you had better stay in here and not make a peep”. I always felt guilty for this.

  3. Raehan says:

    >I had all those fears as a kid, but now I’m only afraid of heights and large bugs. Would she go back to sleep if you let her cry?No? Oh well.

  4. Minerva says:

    >You made me LAUGH….so much….I know it is cruel..but I have SO been there..the twitching towards the door and the evil eyes from the crib that sense the least little move…Oh Lucinda, thank you…Minerva

  5. surcie says:

    >Totally off-topic. But I must know, who is Mistress Mary and why are you walking with her? (I clicked it and nothing happened.)

  6. Erin says:

    >Oh lord, I’m dying laughing over here! I wrote a post a while back very similar to this one, so I know just how you feel! Here’s to a good night sleep for us moms who DO NOT snore! LOL!

  7. kenju says:

    >You bring back memories – not all good ones. I remember falling asleep in the floor beside the crib while waiting for my youngest to go back to sleep without spitting out the pacifier – which woke her up again. Thank God that’s over for me!

  8. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Testing to see if my comment will come over. For some reason, no one can leave comments that show up on my site and I left one here yesterday and it’s not showing up. Have you had problems? Darn that BLOGGER!

  9. Theresa says:

    >By the 2nd or 3rd kid you get over it. Although…when they are old enough to creep silently into your room, and stand a mere 4 inches away from your face and whisper, “MOM?”, it will scare the living crap out of you!

  10. Ruby says:

    >I scare myself like that too sometimes. Especially when I’m home alone. 😉 Thanks for stopping by my site.

  11. Kellie says:

    >Hydrocodone. Try I scare myself when I walk to me car alone at night. Always.

  12. J says:

    >Good to know. Maybe I will put some extra night lights in the baby’s room.

  13. yellojkt says:

    >Baby monitors are evil. You really do not need to be woken up by every baby burp, gurgle, and fart.Turn it off and get some sleep. If the baby needs you, it will find a way to let you know.

  14. >no wonder you don’t get any sleep. maybe ear plugs, or another room, maybe hubby and baby in the same room.

  15. jak says:

    >Or how about when the ‘big Kids” have a nightmare-or the big fat farting, snoring, blind yellow lab wakes them, and they come into your room while you are SOUND asleep, and they just stand over you-and you wake and for sure your having a freakin heart attack! Boy! do i know this:)

  16. Masked Mom says:

    >This is why thinking in the middle of the night should be strictly forbidden and punishable by a marathon of B-grade horror movies. (Like there’s any other kind…)

  17. >Poor you. I used to wake up to a crying baby and pray that they would just cry themselves back to sleep. Sometimes it worked. I’m not good at waking up in the middle of the night.

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