Dressed Down

  1. >i hate some of those change rooms too. when i vacationed in london, england, years ago, i went to try something on in this huge department store and they had a one large room, no separate booths or stalls, lots of women in various stages of undress, trying stuff on. i just turned around and left, kind of like gym class, but with a whole bunch of old ladies. ewwwwwww.

  2. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Ugh. Dressing rooms suck. If I’m shopping with my son, I just buy the clothes and try them all on at home. Sure, I have to take some back, but I love the privacy.

  3. Anonymous says:

    >Whoa! Don’t I know about the whole running commentary thingy! I HATE it when my mother comes shopping with me now, for exactly the same reason. Its odd, but I always thought I was the only gal with a mom like that…. **grins**

  4. >Maybe you should try kicking your mom too. If it worked on the five-year old…

  5. MommaK says:

    >Next time ask Mom to take one of hers out so you can compare ;-)I always think there are hidden cameras or people watching from behind the mirrors. I try to make sure my bee-hind is not ever directly facing anything (thong panties have a few drawbacks). As you can imagine, that is a very difficult task.

  6. Surcie says:

    >I loathe dressing rooms for the same reasons. Trying on a bra or bathing suit is the worst–that’s when I think about hidden cameras or 2-way mirrors. ICK!

  7. christina says:

    >You, my dear, are screamingly funny. And I soo think about the hidden camera scenario. My fear however, is public toilets. What if they overflow???

  8. Crazy MomCat says:

    >I worry more about the clerk or someone in the dressing room seeing my “loveliness” than a camera. I guess I feel like if they go to all that trouble to video me, they can be grossed out by my flab and maybe they won’t look next time! Of course, if I was a size 2-4 hottie, then I might worry more. HA!Your Mom sounds a lot like my Grandmother used to be. Fortunately, she turned her comments more on to my sister, who is much thinner than I am. Maybe she pitied me or something, whatever the case she didn’t make them at me and I was SO happy for that!

  9. Ditsy Chick says:

    >It’s the three-way mirrors and the lights that pick-up every flaw I have that did me in. Nothing like seeing how something does not fit from every angel. And why are they always so hot? I come out sweating everytime (perhaps, it is the internal pressure).

  10. cmhl says:

    >you know, I always think about that episode of “good times” where one of them worked at a department store, and the mirrors were two way mirrors to watch for shoplifters. hahahah. I always try to figure out if it is a two way mirror. ha.

  11. Prego says:

    >Hello, Here via Michele.Very funny stuff! Embarassingly, I’ll have to admit I worked at a clothing store at a mall and had a little voyeuristic habit of looking at the bottom of the door of the dressing room and watching clothes drop off of very attractive women. Your mom sounds hilarious. Give her a big kiss next time you see her.

  12. WendyWings says:

    >Here via Micheles, I LOVE your blog, in fact I am blogrolling you.LOL I HATE clothes shopping and dressing rooms. I very rarely try clothes on and if I do it is a five minute exercise at best.

  13. maiji says:

    >i worry more about people not knowing i’m in the dressing room. i always have a mental image of someone sliding the curtain away or opening the door while i’m half dressed. which is why i make sure my feet are visible at the bottom of the door/curtain. i also look to the ceiling and in the small holes around dressing room looking for cameras. but like you, i need to try the clothes on before buying. so i guess the dressing room is a necessary evil. 🙂

  14. Raehan says:

    >Your mother is hilarious. I love her compliments.Love your storytelling.I don’t think I have small nipples. Is that bad? Would she have told you over lunch if yours were huge?

  15. buffi says:

    >I always want to try the “My Virtual Model” thing, but I neve have time to take my measurements when I am thinking about it. As a non-sew-er, I don’t have a spare measuring tape lying around.I usually just eyeball it & bring the clothes home to try on, thinking I will return them on if I need to. This is how I end up with a closet full of ill-fitting clothes that still have the tags on them.

  16. MistressMary says:

    >Small nipples, huh? Once, my cousin’s wife was watching me nurse my baby and she wanted to know why my nipples were so “pointy”. I really didn’t know what to say. Man, your mom is pushy. My kids haven’t let me in a dressing room since they were 11 or 12.

  17. ieatcrayonz says:

    >Nipple convo over lunch with ma, huh? Run, run as fast as you can, woman.

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