>Fascinating Womanhood

  1. Anne Glamore says:

    >That’s hysterical!

  2. Old MD Girl says:

    >Hey maybe some men go for that kind of woman, but fortunately I think the majority want a hot woman WITH a brain. Her views are actually kind of offensive to men. I mean, how insecure would you have to be to want someone so submissive?

  3. Denise says:

    >OMG! Please tell this book was published in the 50’s.

  4. >It was updated in 1992. This woman’s still kicking around. She has her own website and offers online classes in becoming a Fascinating Woman. If anyone’s interested… πŸ˜‰

  5. toyfoto says:

    >This is the problem, of course your husband would love that. Mine would too. It’s ME who’d want to hang myself from a tree.

  6. Goofy Girl says:

    >A woman who believed in this book was on Wfie Swap I think… or one of those shows. It was kind of scary, I think that for some people they want to live that kind of life – but it’s so extreme!!

  7. toyfoto says:

    >Actually, I’ve thought about it a bit more. What’s happening is really behavior modification. She’s making a lot of money using inflamatory words to get a happy marriage. Perhaps a better way is Amy Sutherland’s way: she’s is the author of “Kicked, Bitten and Scratched: Life and Lessons at the Premier School for Exotic Animal Trainers” and she used the techniques of animal training on her husband and changed herself in the process, too.And no one had to be submissive.

  8. womaninbloom says:

    >That is hysterical my hubby would hate it we are both dominant personalities and we get along just fine. I love that he treats me as an equal and helps with everything from house work to the kids. I was married for 15 yrs to a controlling asshole who wanted one of these Fascinating Stepford Wifebots… no thank you. If my hubby wants a submissive we will go to a BDSM convention and get us one. LOL

  9. T. says:

    >My husband was raised by one of those 50’s fembots.It’s his greatest sadness that he married me. A strong, independent, intelligent woman. Who can squish her own damn spiders and pack her own boxes.But he can’t be too upset since he hasn’t left just yet. (A side note, neither of his sisters turned into back-bending mindless twits who live for servitude. They too, are strong women. And they don’t think highly of mommy’s attitude towards men. Hmm…)Sad, that 2 million women payed money for this drivel.Love the article!

  10. ang says:

    >oh lord lol. I have one of those men who would love it….. I too have tried to do this for a couple days right after I read the submissive wife book or something like that. The thing is once he knew I could act like that he wanted me to stay like that, but my realness just wouldnt llow me to do it after a few days you see the logic is flawed. I mean if we behaved this way would we get treated diffrently would we suddenly get treated like the delicate flowers we are? Would we get gifts, romance or even a back rub? UMMMM NOOOO….. The messed up thing is we women do this to ourselves do you see a book like how to be a submissive husband or how to treat your woman like the queen she is selling millions of copies? No and dont hold your breathe!!!! Guys would never by it and we shouldnt either but some women are willing to do anything to keep their man…. I sympathize with you lucinda having a hubby who likes back scratching I swear when I am tired and my head hits the pillow thats what I hear scratch me, not even a please. Now I say after you rub my feet which he is rarley willing to do. He is due home in about a half hour and now I am rilled up after reading this…poor guy!

  11. Laynie says:

    >Holy crap! I wonder if that would work on my man. I have a feeling he would look at me like I was out of my mind if I did most of that.I must tell, though, of someting that happened while we were with friends last Monday. Daniel and I got together with a girlfriend of mine. We went to her grandparents’ house (where she is currently living) to make dinner. The grandmother wouldn’t allow Daniel to help in the kitchen. She insisted that he sit in the living room and visit with she and her husband while Keema and I cooked dinner.At the supper table, she insisted that Daniel say the blessing, because, “He is a man, after all.”These woman do exist.

  12. >The old bitch is laughing all the way to the bank. I say we take her out and beat the snot out of her until she recants. My husband would probably think I’d had a stroke.

  13. >I’m willing to bet that the people buying this book lately are buying it as a joke.

  14. >1) I totally got my pink Dyson using this method (which has arrived by the way). Scary, but true.2) I think this method worked because I think just about ANY “marriage improvement” book would work. If you’re spending time things to make your spouse happy, you’re going to, well, make your spouse happy! At least temporarily. I just wish I’d realized this BEFORE I tried the book. Because now my husband’s all, “I liked you back when you were reading that book!” (which he didn’t find out about, by the way, until he read the column yesterday). He’s kidding, but still… Grrrr.

  15. Gretchen says:

    >They have a pink Dyson?That was a great read.Don’t think I’ll be trying it, though.

  16. Lahdeedah says:

    >Ha.My husband:Came running in one day screaming ‘get it off GET IT OFF aaahhh IT”S ON MY BACK is it in my SHIRT take it off aahhhh did you get it did you kill it?What is it?A spider… he’s deathly afraid… once, after I told him poisonous spiders aren’t a problem in the great Northwest, he went online and found some that were, then showed me pictures of what spiders do…’Oh honey, can’t get those heavy boxes, too frail..argh…”What do you want them for?”stuff.”can’t be that important if they are in the attic, just leave em.’LOLit would not work on my husband. He’d just think I was nuts. And if I cleaned he’d only sigh, reclean, and complain that I’m a sucky cleaner πŸ™‚

  17. Paige says:

    >Give me a break! That is too funny!

  18. bunchkin says:

    >The ideas at the core of this book actually work pretty well. If you wipe away all of the extraneous stuff (for instance, I can’t imagine copying the body language of little girls, ick) the basic premises work great. They area) treat your husband nicely. Speak nicely, don’t yell. Do nice things for him, to make him feel special. b) Make him feel needed.c) if you do these things, he will be a lot nicer and do more stuff for you. Think about it. If your husband did a and b for you, wouldn’t you be nicer and do more stuff for him?

  19. liz says:

    >Laughing and cringing at the same time.

  20. Peta says:

    >The helpless girly thing won’t work with my husband, he is too lazy!Two words – sexual favours – always works for me!!!

  21. Vincenzo says:

    >Mom was no fembot, that’s for sure. She wokked weenies once! (wealy wong, to continue the alliteration)I don’t know who would crack first, Wife or I. Wife is a lovely, independent woman who works hard here, and would much rather be about peaople than crap like housework.I would most likely laugh aloud. After a day or two. I guess. Perhaps. But I’d like to see how long I could last!

  22. ~*~Lei-L@~*~ says:

    >β€œAre you out of your mind?” LOVE that reaction! You know…my boyfriend is actually the scardy cat when it comes to spiders. He makes ME squash them…I wonder what Helen would think if I made him be the “wife” and purr in my ear….I don’t think he could tolerate another dependant woman…his ex’s were the way Helen describes and he started dating me because of how independant I am. Some men just hate clingy/needy…

  23. Waya says:

    >Gloria Steinem must be having a heart attack knowing that this book exists. And that’s nothing new for the majority of the Asian countries out there where women are pretty much that…submissive, cleaner, cook, child rearing fembot.

  24. Jennifer says:

    >I’m sure it would work. Who wouldn’t want someone to jump to their every need? Assuming, of course, a person could get past the “This is a bit creepy” part. But how long, really, could someone keep this up? Me? About 10 minutes. πŸ˜‰

  25. CeCe says:

    >That’s freaking awesome! I think I might try it πŸ˜‰

  26. Anonymous says:

    >I think I just threw up a little in my mouth.~Mrs X

  27. Anonymous says:

    >Ok, read the column and am DYING! I think if I tried that Mr X would think I’d been drinking. And he’d probably be right.~Mrs X

  28. Kristi says:

    >Fascinating. Absolutley fascinating. If by ‘fascinating’ you mean retarded.Funny, though.

  29. Nut's mom says:

    >you’re not screwed. chalk it up to pregger hormones.

  30. Serra says:

    >The part about learning mannerisms from little girls hit a tender spot with me. My ex’s mom pulled that crap on my ex and his brother all the time. She tried it on me once too, and it was all I could do not to shake her and scream at her to quit being creepy.I think the dreams about slapping her until her head did a Linda Blair started that night…

  31. Marie says:

    >oh man…. I don’t know which is funnier — you or that damn book!!

  32. Anonymous says:

    >It’s not funny. I started out in that culture, I lived by these principles. I “submitted”.It got me disregarded – because I wasn’t allowed to disagree, my opinions didn’t have to be taken into account.It got me lonely – he was free to come and go at will; I stayed home with the kids 24/7.It got me cheated on – and NOT because he wasn’t getting it at home! Perhaps I was *too* enthusiastic, and he needed someone girlish and trembling, I don’t know.It got me beaten – because he was the boss and I was the underling, his tempers could be taken out on me.I divorced him, of course – but I waited FOURTEEN YEARS, because I really believed that if I tried hard enough, if I kept giving him the one more thing and the next thing, if I prayed hard enough, didn’t burden him – that he would come round.BULL.SHIT.I am now happily remarried to a man who would find one of those “fascinating” women completely revolting. Helen Andelin can go fuck herself.

  33. Mojo says:

    >I can’t imagine what that “Fascinating Woman” would be like in bed.

  34. Carla says:

    >Please tell me you made that up! Your husband really reacted that way? Neither one of us could have kept up the act for that long. Well I wouldn’t even get through the book, but thanks for the laugh!

  35. rennratt says:

    >This woman is a nutjob.I love the fact that I am the face of the devil to her!I AM middle management. And I work in construction.

  36. >Sorry that taking Helen Andelin’s tips didn’t work out for you. Why don’t you put the boot on the other foot and have your hubby following her tips for a week? What with him cooing and purring and stomping his feet like a little girl, it’s sure to be amusing, if nothing else.

  37. Diane says:

    >Well, I didn’t realize that we women were so weak we were unable be exeutives without getting faint. And here I thought it said “Executive Director” on my business cards. Silly me. Teehee.

  38. momslo says:

    >Quick! Over here! Grab my hand!- hold on!- I’ll keep you from going over to the dark side!!Your column is wonderful Lucinda ! I love it! My jim, he would just think that I had been drinking or on “happy drugs”YOU GOT THE PINK ONE!damn;)!

  39. Webmiztris says:

    >HA HA HA HA HA! being the submissive 1950s wife doesn’t sound very ‘fascinating’ to me!

  40. kittenpie says:

    >I have a book just like this, called The Perfect Woman. It was written in 1908.

  41. Belinda says:

    >I’m still trying to figure out what is so “fasinating” about a woman who, in order to fit this template, would have to have had a Total Fascinectomy.

  42. >ROFLMAO! I’ll have to look in on your Scene article in a minute, but just had to respond with a hearty Bwahahahahaha here! If I were to adopt even one of this woman’s suggestions I honestly think my husband would (first) be scared to death – wondering who the Hell I was and what had I done with his wife, and (second) would be rushing me to the emergency room at the local insane asylum!

  43. yellojkt says:

    >Would my wife divorce me if I got her a copy for our anniversary and highlighted the important passages?

  44. Blazer1234 says:

    >You know, I think I might write a book called Fascinating Manhood. He must cook, clean, and coo in my ear every day. That would make me happy.

  45. Belinda says:

    >Back again just to add: I want to BE you when I grow up. But I’m older than you, so I’ll have to HURRY. I just now finished working through all the inter-related stories and letter-writing…is that TV station blog from the station you worked for, by any chance? And they quoted ME! And I had to look up the word “screed” to see if they were complimenting or mocking me. Hee. ;-)Also, I would REALLY love to find a copy of that book, but I die inside at the thought of adding any money to the coffers of anyone involved. SO if anyone has one that is tainting their household and would like to get rid of it, drop me a line, please.

  46. Jodi Jean says:

    >well i’ve read that book, and a lot of it is crazy, but i think there is some truth to it. and it does shout that it was first published in ’63. sometimes boys need that kind of attention, not all the time and not the way she describes, but i know my man does and apparently so does yours.i agree with what bunchkin said… “The ideas at the core of this book actually work pretty well. If you wipe away all of the extraneous stuff…a) treat your husband nicely. Speak nicely, don’t yell. Do nice things for him, to make him feel special. b) Make him feel needed.c) if you do these things, he will be a lot nicer and do more stuff for you. Think about it. If your husband did a and b for you, wouldn’t you be nicer and do more stuff for him?” thats what i got out of the book, bec nice to my husband. seems kinda like common sense but sometimes you just dont think about it when he’s being stupid. regardless i think it does have *some* value. but i’m glad my copy was free (a gift actually)

  47. meredith says:

    >I save this kind of behavior for when I really, really want something, otherwise my husband can take off his own damn shoes. It’s pathetic, but my DH, like so many out there, is so gullible to the cooing crap. But it’s not the real me, it’s the manipulative me that uses these tactics.

  48. Impetua says:

    >A friend showed me a book she’d found called “Always Ask A Man” by Arlene Dahl. It was quite similar to the one you’re talking about, and we sat and laughed our asses off reading excerpts from it. This was long ago. It too extolled the virtues of making the man in your life (presumably your lawfully wedded husband, or prospect) feel terribly fascinating and important with your every calculated move, right down to asking him his opinion on vital matters. It was hilarious but sad at the same time.

  49. Carrien says:

    >MAn I’m internetless for four days and I miss out on a really fun discussion. My husband once warned me that he married me because he knew he needed a strong woman, because weak, clingy and manipulative women drive him nuts. When I do start acting anything like that, her becomes, cold, sullen distant, and I can see him clinbing the walls. Sometimes I wish he would respond to me lying on the floor acting dependant.

  50. MrsWndr says:

    >Loved the article!

  51. Stuart says:

    >Wow, my wife is reading this book and I haven’t seen anything like this happen! She hates bugs though so I do squish some for her (although she just stepped on her own cockroach).Does anyone out there know of a book that can’t be laughed at but does help women understand what men like or is it just a natural understanding of all women?I think there is a book for men by the same author. I’ve just started searching for it! *Shock – horror!!* Can you imagine a wife trying to modify her behaviour for her husband and a husband trying to improve his for the sake of his wife?! That sounds like a marriage! How rediculous!

  52. >Stuart, Stuart, Stuart. You poor, deluded excuse for a man. You should probably read the book before you try to defend it.

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