>Greetings from She-Who-Shall-Feed-Herself-Alone

  1. >OH! You’ve got to save that to sumbmit to Tee’s Messiest Kids Contest. I want you to know that I was even DREAMING about finding pubes in strange places last night. Not that I wasn’t already warped, but hey.

  2. Beverlee says:

    >Don’t you wish we enjoyed feeding OURSELVES that much? Pure enjoyment!

  3. MommaK says:

    >OH! I have a picture just like that of my youngest around that age…except it was with spaghetti. She went right into the tub afterwards.Baby is adorable!

  4. >EWWWW! Why are you making her eat that dark green stuff! YUCK! I have a picture of my baby girl with cake icing coming out her ears, nose, stuck in her hair…

  5. >She LOVES that dark green stuff. She requests “PEE-natch!” all day long. As long as she’ll eat it, I’ll buy it. 🙂

  6. Lisa says:

    >I love that face in the last pic! Oh, and I’m a total loss – I just saw that yesterdays title was PUBIC! HA!

  7. B.E.C.K. says:

    >She sure looks proud of herself! What a sweetie-pie! 🙂

  8. buffi says:

    >For crying out loud! Could the child BE any cuter?? Even with “pee-natch” all over her face, she’s a beauty!

  9. ieatcrayonz says:

    >Completely adorable in that sinister kind of way that melts my heart.

  10. Virenda says:

    >She is soooooo Flipping adorable!!!LOL, she’s squishy and has the BEST pig tails.Love the maniacal grin on her face. It says..”See mom I can do it myself!!”

  11. Angie says:

    >I had spinach every single day of my pregnancy. It does a body good! I love to see children who are not picky eaters.

  12. Vanessa says:

    >Gosh, she’s adorable, and so proud of herself!

  13. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Oh, how CUTE is she? I thought my near 2-yr-old’s hair was getting long, but MAN! Mine must do it herself too. Her latest is, she wants to drink tea. Yes, iced tea in a glass with ice and a straw. She throws fits in restaurants if they give her a kid cup. I spend most dinners out watching her fish her hand into my tea glass for ice. Appetizing, isn’t it?

  14. Mooselet says:

    >I love how you don’t even bother to take it out of the glass jars and put it into a bowl or something. My type of mom.She’s very cute… probably saves her from getting into too much trouble with you. Although I couldn’t keep the Toddler’s hair that long. She just wouldn’t let me brush it. Now it’s a bob cut and she still won’t let me brush it.

  15. >I could never put it in a bowl. She has to see the jar and label and assure herself that she is either eating “wocky” or “pee-natch.” Plus, now that she’s feeding herself, I’m getting these jars in and out of the fridge all day long. She’ll eat for half an hour and get through maybe half a jar. Ditto on the baby yogurt, but the effect is not quite so obvious.

  16. Erin says:

    >She is so cute! And those eyes… ORNARY!!! Lucinda, you are in sooo much trouble! 😉

  17. Raehan says:

    >Lucinda,I had to check to see how old she was after seeing these photos. Great age. They start to get so cute right before turning two. It’s like you loved them before like crazy, but then you suddenly look at them again and fall deeper. They get a little easier, too, when they start to talk and that helps, too. More time for looking at them all googly eyed.

  18. Lisa says:

    >Aww! 🙂

  19. Kris says:

    >Aw, she’s so cute! Independence is good, right? Now you just have to teach her how to clean herself up. 🙂

  20. Holly says:

    >ah, he’s a Big Girl. the nice thing is that now you can use being a Big Girl as bait to get her to do things.such ashoney, Big Girls wear panties and pee in the potty!hooray!

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