>How Forward of Me

  1. >My ex-step-mother-in-law (how’s that for super-hyphenation) used to be the Forwarding Queen. After I sent her back enough Snopes, er, uh, Truth or Dare de-bunkings, she finally took me off her list. I feel your pain! I’ve always believed that people should be licensed to use the Internet.

  2. Pattie says:

    >OMG…that was hilarious! Of course, I guess it is funny to me, because I am not on the receiving end of her forwards. I actually thought that you sending her “personalized” warnings (particularly the spider) was clever. Hmmm..there’s only one thing to do…you must kidnap her computer.

  3. Marie says:

    >Does she ever send real e-mail? If not, you could set up a filter or mark her stuff as spam. Or just tell her your spam filter deletes all that stuff automatically (she won’t know that isn’t possible, will she?) … evil laugh…That would drive me freaking berserk! I have a friend who forwards alotolot o’stuff. Most of it, I just delete.

  4. >Spam filter. Now that’s a good one. She would have no idea what that is, so she’d totally buy it.

  5. >That was a great post and article. I loved the reactions to your forwards. Great wit and very funny. Good job!

  6. Karen Rani says:

    >My Aunt is the same way. Drives me berserk! Your article was hilarious!

  7. >LOL!Thank God my mother thinks computers are machines made by the devil, and internet, hell. She doesn’t even have an answering machine on her phone.

  8. Sarah says:

    >I usually give people one chance with Snopes and then I give up on them and just delete, delete, delete. I like how she counteracted your plan though.

  9. Mo says:

    >Too funny! I had a little better luck with my mom. I sent her to purportal.com and she’s really good about looking up to see if an email is just a scam….except, she still forwards the emails to me and the entire list of her high school buddies she recently reunited with at her 40th reunion – she just adds “Don’t worry about this, it’s not true”

  10. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Ah, I feel your pain. When my dad was first getting into emailing, he’d forward things like child support scams and the like. Finally I told him I get plenty of spam on my own and didn’t need his! Then my ex’s sister-in-law started sending me all the scary warning spams. I debunked a few via Snopes, but then she started sending me things so I could check them for her, despite my having directed her to Snopes so she could check them herself. Now I just let her send all the spam she wants, since she’s not much of a typist and at least she thinks to email me. ;^)

  11. Mrs.X says:

    >My parents are horrible with the forwards. My dad has sent me the same forward 7 times in 10 days because he forgot he had already sent it to me. They are just computer literate enough to know how to forward, but no enough to see that they’ve already forwarded it. At first I started sending them back but that just seemed to encourage him to send it to me 3 more times. Then I did what you did, made up my own interesting headlines but then he believed them. And started warning me about the dangers of a Peruvian green-haired rabbit that could be living under my house because he got an e-mail from someone who’s neighbor’s cousin’s second wife’s boss was killed by one.It’s not that he’s dumb. Just really gullible. Someday I am going to go visit and unplug their keyboard. I figure that will buy me a month of no forwards before they call in tech support to fix it for them.

  12. >I desperately wanted to know the trick to getting this stuff stopped. Unhappily, there doesn’t appear to be one — not for your Mom, at least. God bless unfearing Moms…

  13. wanderglow says:

    >Are you sure we weren’t separated at birth?I tried the snopes thing just this weekend. We’ll see if it sticks.But what am I to do with the religious/cute kitten/poetry emails? Oy….

  14. >You guys are cracking me up! It’s good to know I’m not alone…

  15. momslo says:

    >My dad sends me a lot-then quizzes me.Now have I asked you this before- ever time talk about your mom(whom I have to, I love!but I don’t live with her) Emily Gilmore comes to mind(from Gilmore Girls)so, I’m I right about that? Just curious.

  16. Anne Glamore says:

    >Loved this post!!

  17. >momslo, it’s so funny that you mention Emily Gilmore, because I’m watching Gilmore Girls with my girls right now and she reminds me so much of my mom, it’s uncanny. My mom is more complex, of course, and has a wonderful, loving side to her (which is why I’m often conflicted about getting irritated with her), but there are definite similarities and I often feel like I’m watching myself and my mom on that show. Weird…

  18. but Momma says:

    >Hilarious! You’re Mom’s a hoot! My Mom will NOT forward email as she HATES forwards of any kind, but she loves to cut out those same kinds of articles out of her local newspaper and send them to me.

  19. >i had been sending e-mails to my mil for almost a year before i found out she had no idea how to even open her mail page!!!you could tell her she sent you a virus and now you can’t get to your e-mail, maybe she’ll stop.

  20. >Proof once again that a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.But — to interstellarlass — what’s with getting a “license for the Internet?” That sounds like something they might do in, um, China?Very enjoyable post.

  21. Renee says:

    >My dad’s cousin sends me a bunch of forwards… I got him to stop by looking up the Snopes myself and sending him this message…It’s NOT TRUE…Here’s the Snopes link…http://blahblah.comAfter less than a month of this he decided to either look them up himself or to take me off the list that he sends that stuff to. Now I get pictures that I don’t open and jokes.

  22. >That was soooo funny. I am so going to change every forward I get now.

  23. Vic says:

    >oh my god Mo, that is funny.Lucinda, have you tried replying to everyone on her list saying “it’s not true” and providing the link to Snopes – then it will be sort of showing her up to her friends – kind of mean, but hey, drastic measures and all that.***But what am I to do with the religious/cute kitten/poetry emails? Oy…. ***oh christ, I hate that shit! One friend in particular sends me that crap. Blech

  24. >I actually did send a response to everyone once that had the Snopes research in it, proving it false. Let’s just say that she wasn’t very happy…

  25. Waya says:

    >Lindsay! You made my day!! That was so friggin’ funny!! You and your Mom are just two peas in a pod. I do feel your frustration though, my Dad kept on ccing his children in everything and it drives me insane!! I’ve asked him not to do it any more b/c I don’t need to know (in nicer term), but I think he just ignores my request.

  26. Kristi says:

    >OMGosh! Did you know there’s a chemical in Swiffer that will totally kill babies and pets? Forward on to everyone you know! That is, if you love them…

  27. Serra says:

    >I used to send back the URL for Hampster Dance. Worked like a charm–if someone got it three times they never sent another spam forward again.

  28. Carrien says:

    >I got a lot of stupid cute, pickme up type of forwards with the guilt trip pass this on to show people you care at the end from my family for ages. Finally I had it. Every one got one reply from me on the next cheesy spammy message about why I thought it was stupid and unkind to be sending these things on to people, though more politely of course.I stopped getting any forwards pretty soon after that.I have no idea why it worked for me.Maybe they could tell I was pissed.

  29. emma says:

    >Just read your column. Your mother sounds hilarious. Bless you for trying to fight forwards with forwards, but she sounds like she is addicted to urban legends and won’t quit forwarding any time soon. You’ll just have to grit your teeth and bear it, I guess.

  30. Mom101 says:

    >Lindsay, I think that was the funniest thing I’ve read from you, ever. Oh my God. And not just because I’ve had similar conversations with my stepmother who still thinks that Bill Gates will send us all a grand just for forwarding on his email.

  31. >(Lower lip trembling just slightly)You mean he won’t?

  32. >LOL!! That’s good!I have an aunt like that…Best of luck to you…

  33. >Curmudgeon…just like people are licensed to drive or get married or cut hair…they should be licensed to use the Internet! Would you want some uninstructed, unlicensed driver out on the road? I think not! They should be required to take basic email, netiquette (NO CAPS), and have to read all of Snopes.com before they get online and drive the Information Superhighway!

  34. >Should I be worried that the comments I get are funnier than my posts???

  35. Kristen says:

    >I hate hamsters too. We had 2 and we gave those bastards away. LOL.

  36. h&b says:

    >I hate most of the fwds I get – most of which I saw 2yrs ago, and were debunked by Snopes 5yrs before that.And people will ALWAYS get offended when you ask them to desist, and often will cut you off their email list completely .. I am glad I am not the only one.BUT, peoples ! Use discretion please ! I’m sorry I offended you, but yeah, i’d rather have you sulking and sending me NO emails than the 50+ crap ‘funny’ cartoons and etc you used to send.’Word’

  37. Rayne says:

    >My mom is even more diabolical…I have Crohn’s right? Which means I spend half my life in the bathroom and a good part of the other half in bed attempting to not do a Linda Blair. When my mother finds out I’m walking the Nausea Trail again she emails recipes!!! Complete with pictures! Some of them from lileks.com. You know, those horrible food pictures from the 50’s where everything looks slightly yellow and kinda slimy? She’s sent me The South Dakota Roadkill Cookbook! She says she’s trying to cheer me up.

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