>Junk in My Trunk

  1. aka_Meritt says:

    >Considering OUR neighborhood just had their big “Shop the Blocks” sale this weekend I wonder if you were shopping my neighborhood! LOL.(I HATE HATE HATE HATE garage sales. I won’t go to them. And I couldn’t even make myself HAVE one this weekend. Nope. I couldn’t do it. I’m emotionally gearing myself up to hold a large one of my own later in July or August perhaps, but I wasn’t ready to immerse myself into the garage sale world yet. It takes me about 3 years to mentally prepare for this).

  2. Karen Rani says:

    >Ugh. I hate them with a passion. Saturday morning was our street sale, and I went out to my back deck and stared right back at the assholes who were staring at me – in my brightly striped pajama bottoms and oversized sweater. I scowled through every sip of coffee, every drag of my cigarette. I’m not an RWA, but I sure should play one on t.v. Before noon, anyway.Damn, we need a higher fence.

  3. Lena says:

    >I too attempted the “yard sailing” a few weeks back. Total disaster. Up at 6:00am and ended up with about 45 metal filing cabinets. I don’t know why. We just kept buying them – everyone had them.The key is to go in the rich neighborhoods. That’s what I hear.A bookshelf? Really? Irritated.

  4. liz says:

    >I like going to them, but I like doing trades better. (“I’ve got a pair of size 9 Spiderman sandals in good shape, I’ll trade you for that extra Little People School Bus you’ve got.”)

  5. My float says:

    >I can never find decent childrens toys. They all look like they’ve been scraped along the pavement, then rubbed in a gritty mud pool and swung from a tree at the neighbourhood cat who promptly sharpened her claws on them. But ebay…now there’s a garage sale without the scowls!!

  6. MommaK says:

    >Good idea on the sidekick. I love yard sales but you sure do run into a lot of characters. I guess that’s par for the course.I always wonder why they are selling something too. Like why isn’t this good enough for you anymore?

  7. Mom101 says:

    >Oh I love garage sales. But not the “let’s sell all our junky plastic crap and old clothes on the stoop” sales, the ones actually in people’s garages, with tables of stuff they found in their basement or their recently deceased grandma’s attic. Half my costumem jewelry comes from those, not to mention the 25cent yarn bag turned purse that a buyer from Barney’s offered me 50 bucks for!

  8. >Oh, I’m with you, Mom101. I’m always on the lookout for a good estate sale. I go to these neighborhood garage sales solely for the toddler stuff. And even then, I only go to the “upscale” neighborhoods, where they’re getting rid of clothes and toys that were never really used. It’s funny- You can tell by the state of the items in the sale who’s “house poor” and who’s got money to burn- or at least has rich in-laws!

  9. kittenpie says:

    >yeah, I always feel awkward too. Like if there isn’t stuff you want, you’re somehow rejecting them and making them feel bad. But I have found some great stuff at sales too, so I like the treasure hunt aspect.

  10. Jodi says:

    >This is funny, just yesterday I thought that I should go to a few garage sales, I haven’t done it in a few years. It always amazes me what people will people out in the yard PROUDLY, sometimes the clothes look like castoffs from a children’s orphange in a 3rd world country. What I really love is to go to 2nd hand stores or consignment stores in a ritzy neighorhood. It is amazing the stuff rich people will give away! I have picked up 3 brand new Gap sweatshirts at a 2nd hand store for $2/each. Can’t beat that! I just love a good bargin, especially if I think I am getting it from a snobby rich person. 🙂

  11. ~d says:

    >I have never ‘really’ experienced yard sales or garage sales. The husband is so weird abt hand-me-downs from FAMILY and we know what they have been thru. I think his weirdness is starting to rub off on me a bit…Now, an estate sale: that sounds like fun. Can I still go in flip-flops with no make-up?

  12. >I haven’t gone dumpster er, I mean, garage-sale-hopping in quite a while. But I’ve held a few. I keep my Spanish dictionary handy. I shudder at digging through other people’s junk. Maybe I’m shopping in the wrong ‘hoods though.

  13. KathyB says:

    >Before moving in with my husband, I had a huge yard sale to get rid of all the duplicates… my sister-in-law made “yard Sale” signs for me. One said, “Come pick through Kathy’s Shit.” hee hee.

  14. Jamie says:

    >I like the idea, but typically leave empty handed and pissed that I wasted the morning. I bought a few things at a neighborhood sale last year, but the guy had overpriced Old Navy baby clothes and you can get them on clearance brand new! I do like consignment and estate sales and I have found some treasures at Goodwill.

  15. Marie says:

    >Assisted blonde hair — GAH!!! LOL.You know, screw ’em. Who cares what they think. You’ll never see them again anyway.The other day my hubby offered $5 for a bunch of stuff that tallied $7 at a yard sale. He asked “what do you think of $5?” She responded that she thought it was “a steal.” But she took the money. Hey, thanks for letting us ‘steal’ your stuff, lady! 😉 No bargaining or anything! Just a snarky comment. Snark on… (You know what’s odd — I can’t get to your site from Firefox anymore… thought it was down, so I tried IE. Now I’m in. Weird)

  16. >Marie, I’ve had a few e-mails about people not being able to see my site yesterday- I don’t know what the deal was, because I haven’t had a problem. I just checked it on Firefox and it’s fine. Maybe if you clean out your cache, it’ll work…

  17. Mega Mom says:

    >I like to do a little drive-by first. You can always tell the total crap ones from the ones you can get a working game of “Operation” for a buck. I’m glad my house is totally furnished now though….my husband hated the garbage picking days :))

  18. kenju says:

    >You make everything sound like fun, Lucinda!

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