>Out of the Inbox

  1. Kristen says:

    >Lucinda ~I must have caught this the other day when you were writing it and when I went back to see it again, it was gone. I’ve been waiting for it since then, obsessively checking back to see if you put it up.Beats my “ask MU” by about 4000 times. Pure and utter genius.

  2. B.E.C.K. says:

    >I’m literally laughing out loud at your depiction of porn spammers, with their nonsensical titles and exceptionally bad grammar. And why do I get the feeling the inside of your brain looks similarly Gilliam-esque? ;^)

  3. Serra says:

    >Make sure you hit the “L0v duggs on Uno sitee” website first, so you can keep your pen1s hard while you surf.Yes, I actually got that one in my email.

  4. >Kristen, I wrote it on Friday, then realized my Dotmoms was up that day, so I decided to save it for today. :)I’m suddenly getting at least ten of these e-mails a day, so I started wondering WHO DOES THIS FOR A LIVING? And who would EVER click on the spam site? And.. And.. Why me?

  5. Jess Riley says:

    >Ha! “Ponooo, ponooo, ponoo!”Perfect send-up. You’ll have to do an entry about the refinancing / mortgage rate spammers next.

  6. Jodi says:

    >sooo true…I am pointing to the comments above me. And what kills me is that i hit spam on all these crazy emails in my inbox and somehow they still manage to sneak through. My email posse is suppose to block spam stuff, but alas, these spammers seem to be on the ball…(no pun intended).

  7. Chag says:

    >And all this time I thought they had monkeys typing the incoherent porn spams. Thanks for showing me the truth.

  8. Miss Misery says:

    >Haha lol, that’s too funny! I love your imagination Lucinda!

  9. Beverlee says:

    >”Loose in duh nose”Well, NOW it all makes sense. Thanks Lucinda for keeping us in the know!…

  10. Jen says:

    >Porn, mortgage rates, car loans, student loan reductions, and offers to send me free shit if I just choose one of the sponsors below……seriously, does anyone open these emails more than once in a lifetime? I went nearly 6 months with my new email address being rather spam-free, then I visited and registered at a website this week for grocery coupons. Big mistake. I have been flooded with at least 15 spam emails a day. And I didn’t even find a single coupon I needed.

  11. Lisa says:

    >LOL! I loathe SPAM. Especially the ones that come from the same IP with different names. Lovely!

  12. Lisa says:

    >I cannot wait to see next months Google Search highlights from you! This post alone is going to get all the ponoo googlers!

  13. davus says:

    >That’s how i ended up here… I’m tryin to block sporn from my school’s email server, and i was trying to figure out what ponoo was, and if i can block it. Now i know.

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