>Wee the Pee-ple

  1. Jennifer says:

    >You are so funny! I am laughing out loud. Loved it. Thanks for that.

  2. >Wah-ha-ha-ha! You’re such a commodian – flush me some more! ;)One of the other perks of being (obviously) pregnant: drivers at Wal-Mart will actually STOP to let you pass at the crosswalk! They usually try to run me down…

  3. Jamie says:

    >I loved those prego mother parking spots at the grocery store.And whenever I complained to my mom about the most mundane of symptoms she insisted I call the doctor and swore she never had swollen ankles, bad acne, cravings, etc. I think she just had “one child too many” amnesia. 😉

  4. Jeffrey says:

    >”Urine for a real treat!”lmao.

  5. shauna says:

    >Funny. For the majority of my third trimester, I would stop drinking water around 9 at night and still wake up at least once an hour needing to pee ALL NIGHT LONG.

  6. >I got to cut in line while renewing my drivers license when I was pregnant. That was a relief!

  7. Anonymous says:

    >I wish they would have had something like that at my polling station! At 13 weeks the ‘I HAVE TO GO NOW!’ phase has certainly started– here’s to 27 more! I had to pee so badly that by the time I got to actually fill out my ballot I screwed it up and had to get a new one! The elderly ladies just smiled and gave me a new one. Since I’m not showing yet, I really just wanted to say ‘It’s because I’m pregnant and am unable to think clearly anymore.’ But I decided to just shut my mouth, cast my ballot and then high tail it to the nearest bathroom.

  8. Marie says:

    >Ohhhh! Grrrooooooaaaannnn!

  9. >nice punchline!that is a great idea having a preggo line, we have are election on monday, i’ll have to see whether they are implementing that here as well.

  10. Laynie says:

    >My friend Sarah is 7 months pregnant. You can barely tell. Only in the last two weeks has she started having to wear bigger sizes. Anyway, every time we go somewhere together, she has to stop at every bathroom we pass. If we’re driving somewhere, we’re at a filling station every 10 minutes. I think I know where all the bathrooms are between here and Cooter, Missouri. Good luck with that.

  11. Mooselet says:

    >I’m nearly 34 weeks, and he’s been breech for the last 5 weeks or so. So every time he stretches, moves, kicks, twitches he hits my bladder with his feet. I feel like I should just put a catheter in and be done with it given how much time I spend in the toilet.

  12. B.E.C.K. says:

    >Honey, I think you owe it to yourself to play the pregnancy card every chance you get until your boy-chick is born. I remember when I was hugely pregnant and waiting in line at a very crowded restaurant — amazing how the bump managed to bump me right to the front of the line. Ask about special treatment everywhere possible. Preggo moms deserve all the breaks they can get! 🙂

  13. kittenpie says:

    >Ten weeks? Who has a bump and gets seats at ten weeks? But how lovely of them to be so considerate of you preggy voters. What a delight to hear that.

  14. >I remember the fetus kicking the bladder thing oh so well — and my kids are 9 and 10 now! I carried LOW and they lived to make me wet myself. I ended up wearing pads all the time — I know, too much information, but tell me you have not been there! I’m proud of you for voting and proud of your polling place for having a clue about being preggers and having little kids! YAY for democracy!

  15. whymommy says:

    >Gorgeous post! I had a very similar thing a couple of months ago — Baby #2 dances on my bladder and I swear he has hooked his little toes down there something good. He finally moved recently and is much more well-behaved. . . but I don’t think it will last for long!Glad a poll worker took mercy on you!

  16. >Urine rare form these days! Loved the post. Loved the punch line 10x more!!!!

  17. Jenny Rough says:

    >Ohmigosh, they jump on your bladder too? I’m accumulating a list of all the yucky pregnancy issues and hadn’t heard of this one. Well, I’m glad you got to cut in line.

  18. Pageant Mom says:

    >that was funny!! (at least you didn’t have to puke ;o) (btw…. don’t be surprised if it doesn’t get one bit easier from here cause after the 2nd kid your bladder will NEVER, EVER, be the same….)

  19. Lady M says:

    >Glad they had the foresight to set up a special polling booth! We signed up for permanent absentee ballots after Q was born. We usually don’t get around to filling them out until too late to mail them, but at least we can just drop them off at the polling place without standing in line.

  20. karenkt says:

    >you are so clever! always entertaining.

  21. Amanda says:

    >I had the same problem with when I was pregnant with Hannah.You are so entertaining!!!

  22. Renee says:

    >My dd took turns kicking my bladder and my sciatic nerve…I was either on my knees or in the bathroom.

  23. DramaMama says:

    >HA HA HA! I can’t say much, except laugh. Any mother can relate:)

  24. liz says:

    >Ooohhhh, that was a painful pun.

  25. Jen says:

    >Well first you had me all freaked out reminding me about the constant need to pee while pregnant…(I wonder if I really want to do this again!)…and then you cheered me up remembering all the “perks!”We’re trying for #3..if you couldn’t figure that out!

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