
  1. Jennifer says:

    >i guess he only talks up the hot, beautiful breasted shoppers.

  2. >Then why is he talking to me?

  3. >Maybe he was thinking Aerosmith was going to be at Bonaroo, and the song “Dude Looks Like A Lady” was stuck in his head?Just a thought…

  4. adena says:

    >Radiohead?? Really?? I’d deal w/ the Max’s.Maybe, somehow, he senses a kindred spirit in you. :)(That, or he just thinks you’re hot, and he’s trying to “work it”.)

  5. Charred says:

    >The best part of Max saying he’s gonna visit his friend in Michigan so they can hang out at the Mall of America?The Mall of America is in Minnesota.

  6. KathyB says:

    >You and I are kindred grocery shopping souls… except my messed up cashier is a woman with tons of facial hair. She speeds through everyone else’s groceries and then takes hours with mine… I feel compelled to look everywhere other than her face because I would gawk.

  7. adena says:

    >OMG, good point, Charred.HAhahahah!

  8. >Charred, that’s hilarious. Because I SWEAR he said Michigan. He went on and on about it! Dude!

  9. Chrixean says:

    >Goodness, must have been a nightmare to even STAY in that line. I would have piacked up my groceries back into the cart and moved to the next aisle! I must say, that was a funny story, but I bet it wasn’t funny when it was happening at that moment 😛

  10. >Dude. I am SO DISAPPOINTED in you! I thought you were different, Lucinda. Not like all those other housewivery types. I thought you of all people could make witty banter with crazy stoner cashiers at the local grocery store. But look at yourself. I mean, really. What happened to that Lucinda that (I assumed) could play along? You’re telling me she was never there in the first place? I don’t believe it. My GOD. WHAT ARE THOSE SUBURBS DOING TO YOU?!?My world is in turmoil. Alas, I weep.(By the way, I totally live for that shit. Love the stoner cashiers, love them. Like the dude that gave me a ten minute lecture on fish oil and how I needed to take it for my developing baby’s brain? Gold. I mean, where the hell else am I going to get crazies to pepper my imaginary novel with? Also, I have no life. Perhaps that’s it.)

  11. >I think it’s the bizarre questions that get me. Nothing he says makes sense and it throws me for a loop every time. Trust me. I love nothing more than a smart weirdo. But a dumb weirdo? Lord help me.

  12. Jackie says:

    >This sounds like the time for the u-scan line 🙂

  13. R*A* says:

    >Well I say lucky you that you get to the actual cashier. Stoned surfer dooode or furry faced woman, it matters not. I on the other hand, am the glaring, pregnant woman creating a beat box of sighs behind you. For some reason unbeknownst to me I get stuck behind some ancient dame with whisperthin bleached hair who is haggling, yes haggling at Kmart over clearance baby clothes. She argues with the poor defenseless, freckle-faced cashier that the Wonder Kids $3 infant sleeper should only be $2.25 because one of the slippered-feet is sewn on backwards. I’ve had icecream melt & leak out of the cardboard tub onto the conveyor belt, waiting for people in front of me.Oh, and I in no way think of you as a ancient dame with whisperthin bleached hair.

  14. adena says:

    >Lucinda, I think this was before you started reading my blog, so here:http://tinyurl.com/pz7jbThe crazies like me, too. I’ve avoided that store, since.

  15. >Holy shit. Dude has moved from Oregon to Tennessee. Oh well. At least “Bargain Groceries” is safe again.RA, whisperthin bleached hair is a great description. I can totally picture it!

  16. Virenda says:

    >LMAOI love your stoned grocery clerk. You should embrace it and make fun of him, screw with his befuddles brain. Oh and who cares about the people behind you, it’s not your fault he’s an idiot. TOO FUNNY! ~sigh~Duuuuuuuuddeeeeee!

  17. mama_tulip says:

    >LMFAO.Interacting with him sounds FUN!

  18. >What a riot. Do you think this is how he really is, or does he just play it up to get your goat?

  19. Jess Riley says:

    >*in a sing-song voice:* “Someone’s got a crush on you!””Wheeee! A Project!”That is hilarious. I think every store has at least one of those jig dancers.

  20. >Are you sure you had your teenager translator plugged in and calibrated correctly? I think he’s hot for you!

  21. Plumkrazzee says:

    >I get this ALL THE TIME. I used to wonder….and then I finally quit. I think it’s my nose ring….it makes every freak in the world feel like we are kindred spirits. Good grief.

  22. J&J'sMom says:

    >Like Dude..yer his fav ya know? Sah-WEET!You poor thing. Hope your next grocery shopping experience is less…ummm…chatty ;0)

  23. Mooselet says:

    >Oh, he’s got it baaaaa-aaaad fer you. You? So totally hot.You’ve got two choices. Scan the checkouts for him before you get in line, even if it means getting in the really long line. Or go with it and mess with his mind. Play along – it’ll make the time go faster and it beats getting frustrated and having your blood pressure shoot up.

  24. Masked Mom says:

    >Hey, maybe Max is just trying to be as bloggable as Hubs? 🙂

  25. >Oh, I avoided his line yesterday- and then he swapped with the cashier.My 15-year-old remembers him from school a few years ago and says he’s a total druggie. Duh… She was totally dismayed by the story.

  26. Vanessa says:

    >He saw your tatoo. I have one, too, apparently. It’s on our foreheads and it’s not visible to normal, sober people. It says, in HUGE letters: “Dude, I’m All About Hearing Every Little Bit Of Mundane Shit You Got Goin’ On In Yer Life, Dude!”

  27. Crazy MomCat says:

    >Someone should tell “Dude” that he talks like “Crush” the turtle from Finding Nemo! HA!Hope you have Dude-free shopping in your future. That would drive me nuts!

  28. Serra says:

    >Not only is the Mall of America in Minnesota, there is absolutely NO damned POINT in Michigan “like, five minutes” away.But, just to fuck with him, make him get you something from P. B. Max.

  29. Serra says:

    >And now I’m the moron. That would be P.B. LOCO.Shit, I’m going to bed.

  30. Kathy C says:

    >lol … What fun! Seriously I love to mess with people like this. Much to my daughter’s dismay. Which of course, makes it even MORE fun.What is equally as frightning is “happy you’re here” clerk. I worked along side her for a year and a half. I would have people wait an extra five to ten minutes NOT to go through her line…

  31. T. says:

    >Heehee. I’m totally flashing back to my own checkout line horror story. It involved a very friendly, very creepy gray haired man behind the counter, a box of tampons and some Midol. Did I mention he was half deaf? He yelled across the store “So it’s that time again,eh, missy?” He followed this up by holding up the box and shouting”Do you think one of these will be enough?” And then he wants to talk. Bastard. Your stoner sounds a lot more fun.You should fuck with his mind and play along next time. Just for shits and giggles. Come see me, I’m new to the land of Blogdom!

  32. WendyWings says:

    >Dude sounds like he thinks your like totally narly.Does he think your a hot 19 year old possibly ? lol

  33. Miz S says:

    >That is fucking hilarious. That might be the funniest thing I have read in days.

  34. B.E.C.K. says:

    >I have to say…I would prefer a talkative cashier to some of the surly types I’ve encountered. Nothing saps my energy like a checker who acts like she can’t stand to be there, and doesn’t even respond when I say hello.

  35. Beverlee says:

    >Some days a chatty cashier is just the ticket to pick up your spirits after the dreaded grocery shopping experience. But most times, I just want to get outta there. I really didn’t want to go there in the first place! He definitely senses some connection there!

  36. Heather says:

    >Send him to me! He sounds like he’d be a riot. I’d love a chance to get back at the (mostly elderly) people who take 15 minutes to pay for their 5 items. 🙂

  37. Kristen says:

    >He’s trying to get in good with you because he read your hoo-ha posts, didn’t he?

  38. Mom101 says:

    >He sounds like a refreshing break from the cashiers at the Brooklyn Heights Gristedes, who are more like, “huh? You say sumpin’ to me? Like I have time for this shit. Sheeeeeee-it.” Um…I just said good morning.

  39. kfk says:

    >Oh, you coulda had such a wonderful time with him! You should have seriously messed with him, caught him off guard somehow. Next time. Okay?

  40. Miss Misery says:

    >OMG lmao that’s hysterical! Next time you should totally talk like that, it would be funny!

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