The Year of Fireworks

  1. Kate says:

    Thanks for letting us share in your life.  Your posts make me smile and usually provoke me to think about things in a new way.  Happy 2012!!!

  2. I was lucky enough to meet you, twice no less. You are just as real in person as you are in your writing. Good Luck to you in 2012, I expect to be seeing and hearing more of you. 

  3. Sally Rogers says:

    Happy New Year!  I can’t wait to hear what 2012 brings for you and your family. 

  4. Cathy B. says:

    I have missed you these past few months! SO proud of you for all of your new endeavors.  Proof that you can pursue your interests and it will make you a better mom.  Hope to hear more stories of your kids this year as well as your other adventures. XOXO Happy New Year

  5. Cathy B. says:

    I have missed you these past few months! SO proud of you for all of your new endeavors.  Proof that you can pursue your interests and it will make you a better mom.  Hope to hear more stories of your kids this year as well as your other adventures. XOXO Happy New Year

    • Anonymous says:

      Thank you, Cathy! I’m going to try very hard to post more often– I figure the election stuff will get easier as I go along, and production on the “Dare” show is FINISHED, so that’s a huge amount of work behind me. 🙂

  6. Mary A says:

    (((((((((((((((((HUG)))))))))))))))))))))))  Happy 2012 to YOU!  I appreciate your comments and your children are the CUTEST I HAVE EVER SEEN (well, except for 3 that look like my husband). . . Rock on!

  7. Melissa says:

    The breastfeeding post is what got me hooked on your blog in the first place. 🙂 

    Happy 2012!!!

  8. Fina says:

    Hi there – I have enjoyed your posts and pictures for a while now.  Thank you for keeping it all real.  You’ve inspired me to (attempt) to create my own blog which is my goal for 2012.  I’m excited for all the excitement in your life and I look forward to seeing and reading about it all. 

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